
Friday, August 28, 2009

Can You Help?

I 've become friends with a fellow blogger - an American woman who has lived in the Middle East for over two decades - who needs financial help right now. She goes by the name of Cool Red and I have been fortunate to be a fan of her blog for a couple of years now. Her words have made me cry at times, and other times she has had me rolling on the floor laughing. She's an excellent writer and she has had plenty of material in her life's experiences.

Cool Red's life has not been easy in the Middle East. She is now divorced from her abusive husband. Consequently she has really struggled financially to make ends meet. Now she and her children want to move back to America. Back to her home, to be reunited with her family. Two of her kids are already in America. Three are with her here in the Gulf. She needs money to purchase four airline tickets. Can you help with a donation? If enough people would just show her a little compassion and generosity during this holy month of Ramadan, we could help make this happen.

Please, if there is any way you can make a contribution, please do! You can read Cool Red's post "It's Over People...The Fat Lady Has Sung" to learn more about her plight. And she has an easy PayPal link on the top right of her blog - all you have to do is click on where it says DONATE.

Thank you for your help!

UPDATE: 3SEP09 - Cool Red has been experiencing some problems with ehr blog, but it is up and running again. She is almost to her goal!!! Just a few more contributions and she'll be on her way home.


  1. Linked over at my blog. Thanks.

  2. I've been trying to get the word out to friends and interested Facebook groups...I know we can do this!!

  3. Thank you, Chap and Elyse, and everyone else who has clicked over to Cool Red's blog. If enough of us can make just a small contribution to the Cool Red's America-Or-Bust Fund, she and her kids will be on their way to a whole new life of hope.

  4. Having come out of an abusive marriage (a while ago), I know how hard it can be. I hope we can all make a difference to Cool Red.

  5. It's good she is getting out of that situation. There are simply far too many setbacks for her particular situation to remain in the Gulf. Sure quite a few Western women do ok but in her instance she needs to come back to the US where she will find more than enough opportunities waiting for her even if she decides to go back to college it's out there. God bless her and give her strength.

  6. Linked to my blog and facebook. If I wasn't unemployed I would help more, all I can give is a pittance but hopefully that makes a difference.

  7. Thank you Susie for the great post and link and thanks ladies for your kind words. I appreciate them so much.

  8. I am so glad she is able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Its unfortunate when a woman is so abused she loses all agency related to her life. Im not sure how she has managed to maintain her sense of self after such awfulness. I hope so much that this is something which can be realized for her.

  9. I've been reading Cool Red's blog and following the progress, and when I went to check today, it was gone!!! Do you know if she met her goal? I'm so disappointed. I was hoping to be able to follow it and see how things go.

    And I LOVE your blog. I found it through a friend's photo blog. I have now become fascinated with women living in the Middle East. Really interesting to see different perspectives on this. Thanks!

  10. I cant seem to access coolred's blog today--I get some kind of a notice in Arabic from Blogger. Do you have any idea what's up??? I hope she's OK!!!

  11. Yes, the Coolred's blog says "the Page you are looking for doesn't exist."

  12. Have got access today.

  13. Coolred's Rant is back up and functioning after an inexplicable blogo-weird shut down:
    Great news at:

  14. Just an update about Coolred’s homeward bound project. They’re off! I’ve done an update post at Tara’s blog “Future Husbands and Wives of Saudis”:
