
Sunday, September 20, 2009

UPDATE: CoolRed and the Gang

IT'S GOOD NEWS, FOLKS! Blogger CoolRed and her children are on their way to the United States, according to the blog Future Husbands and Wives of Saudis.

Thanks to the help of many generous donors during this Ramadan season, CoolRed raised the funds necessary to buy the airline tickets she and her family so desperately needed to be reunited with her other two children who are already in the US.

Her story is heartbreaking, but now she has reason to hope. Her children will have a fresh start and have their whole lives ahead of them. Hopefully they will heal from the pain caused by years of abuse at the hands of their own father.

It won't be easy and no doubt there will still be struggles and and maybe some setbacks, but they have each other and they have a future.

Thank you to all of my readers who were able to contribute to her cause and for your prayers and BEST WISHES to COOL RED AND HER CHILDREN!!!


  1. Susie-What a nice post! You have spoken caringly and realistically of the challenges ahead.

    They should be taking off on the final leg of their 3 plane journey in about 1 1/2 hrs. Which puts time to hugs with the 2 children already there (son 11, daughter 21) at about 9hrs away!

    Thank you for linking my post at Tara's blog Future Husbands and Wives of Saudis. There are so many pictures of planes in it I have decided urge to fly.

    I hope you will be USA bound for another holiday soon!

  2. I'm so happy to hear the great news!
    i was made aware of situation by you and american bedu...i think its beautiful how everyone came together for someone who really needed help.
    it has renewed my faith in strangers!

  3. That's good news. I'm so happy for her. Thank you for telling us.

  4. Thank you for the update. I'm so glad they were able to escape the hell she and her children have been living in. I pray her future here is much brighter.

  5. So glad she was able to get out SA and back home to her family. A happy ending and a new beginning.

  6. So happy to hear this news! I hope when she's settled she can blog about it!

  7. I love happy endings. Especially on Eid. Embodies the day's jubilant spirit. Thank you for spreading the word, Susie.
    And a joyful Eid to the rest of us.

  8. What wonderful news! It was meant to be!!! I continue to pray for her and her family as they begin again in our land! Thank you for the beautiful picture, quote and update, Susie! Love and miss you!

  9. All the best for CoolRed and her children, for their better future together. Happy Eid Mubarak to you and family!

  10. WOOHOO! It's 11:19pm EDT, so they're probably in the air on their last leg by now! Or maybe not- it's too late for me to do the time zone math. ;) But I'm so happy they are finally free and will soon be together. I'm also glad that, from what I've read, CoolRed still has a lot of faith. I'm Christian, but I know that religion can be a huge help in tough times.
    Thank you for bringing us her story, and for this update, and for your wonderful blog!

  11. Thank God for their journey and may God help them in thei future life. Eid Mubarak!

  12. Wow! But I wonder? Since she's divorced, does that mean she could travel without a man's permission? Also, did the father or some other male sign a permit to allow the children (especially the male issue) to leave the Kingdom? I'm sure this fundraiser was such a success because it was linked to your blog!

  13. Hi Everyone - Thanks for your comments and words of support and encouragement for CoolRed and her family.

    Hi Ilse - There were many bloggers who united together to bring CoolRed's plight to the attention of their readers, so it really was a joint effort. I know that she has sole custody of her kids so there was no problem with the father not allowing the children to leave. I think that maybe one of her sons was CoolRed's legal guardian - doesn't that just sound ridiculous? - but I'm not sure of that.

  14. I'm so happy to hear she made it safe (reading the latest post on her blog). It really restored a little faith in humanity that so many would help a total stranger.

  15. It has been a blessing to Cool Red and those who were able to help her, as well. You were the one who started the ball rolling. I wish them luck in the US.

    Sirod, umm Umar

  16. Susie what happy beautiful news!!!!

  17. I wasn't able to contribute to her cause and I am so happy to hear she is on her way back to the states!

    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.

  18. The son was the legal guardian. How convenient. He's gonna be in for a huge culture shock in the States.

  19. It is so amazing!!!
    In Bahrain I dont think that you need any permision as a woman for travelling..?! And since she has sole costudy of her kids - she was free to go :-)

  20. Susie and All, I just wanted to let you know I did an update post on Coolred's Ramadan and Eid miracles, and that I tried to include everyone who made a post or a link to her request, or spread the word in another way. Please check and let me know if I accidentally left you or anyone out, and I will amend the post

    Eid Al-Fitr and Thanksgiving: "Do you believe in miracles?"


  21. Ilse, Anonymous,and Susie--Bahrain does not have the same mahrem/guardian system as Saudi. In fact Saudi is rather unique in the Muslim world in this regard,ie in making the Mahrem's consent a legal requirement of all permissions for women to go to school, work, own a business, travel, have medical care, and what type (eg no epidural if your husband says no, etc), etc. In most Muslim countries the mahrem's legal role is limited to marriage, where the woman gives her consent to marry a particular partner or not, and under what conditions in the marriage contract, and the mahrem communicates that consent publicly, ie at the marriage service, and on the contract (though she is asked again for her consent and gives it or not).

    Because Coolred had proof of her husband's abuse of his daughters she was given full custody of all 5children, and so has been the sole decision maker since the divorce, and free to send or take them to the USA for the last 2 years+.

    I'm sure if she ever stops hugging the youngest and kissing the American soil long enough she will speak up herself! LOL :)

  22. for the record they did not live in KSA, the lived in Bahrain, not quite as strict there, or so that is what i have read. main thing is that they are on there way back to the USA, and that is what the family wanted, hope that they find the peace and happiness that they are looking for.

  23. I hope this isn't a duplicate comment, but it is true that Coolred's family is Bahraini, and Saudi mahrem laws do not apply. As she was able to prove her husband's abuse of their daughters she was granted a divorce and sole custody of all 5 children. He has no decision making authority over any of them.

  24. Glad to hear everyone is together again. Thanks for the update.

  25. Hey everyone...thanks for the well wishes. I have been trying to update my blog for several days but Blogger wont save my post for some reason. Still working on it.
