
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Prayers for Bedu

Photo Credit:  WanahFong
With great sadness and a heavy heart I have to share with you that my dear friend Carol at American Bedu has suffered the tremendous loss of her beloved husband Abdullah. He passed away yesterday.

The circumstances of their illnesses have kept Carol and Abdullah apart for the past several months, as they both have endured treatments in different states in America. Last week Abdullah flew back to Saudi Arabia from Houston, where doctors had told him there was nothing more they could do for him. Sadly Carol was not able to see him again one last time before he left the states.

Carol still has about two months left of her own treatment and needs all the strength she can muster to face her life without Abdullah.

You can visit her blog and leave your messages of condolence for her there.

Please keep Carol in your prayers.


  1. This is certainly sad, particularly their separation at such a time of needing each other.

    May Abdullah rest in the peace--a peace born of a life lived well, and relief from suffering.

  2. Thank you for letting us know Susie. Abdullah is no longer suffering or in pain bless him. I wish Carol much strength & I hope she has the courage to smile at so many memories she has of her partner in life.

  3. That is just hearbreaking and I hope Carol believes that God is walking besiude her during this challenging time. Cancer is such an evil disease. My sister has leukemia too.
    Virtual hugs to Carol!

  4. Must be hard for Carol but I hope good memories relief her loss...


  5. What a difficult time this must be. My deepest sympathies go to the entire family.

  6. I was hoping to find her mailing address again. I send her something before Christmas to the NC address, but I see it's been removed now. I was sad all night thinking of Carol's loss. It's weird how even as we sleep, we can remember these things and they make our hearts heavy.

  7. Susanne - If you email me, I'll get you her address. My email is:

  8. I am so very sad to hear about Abdullah, especially that he and Carol were apart. Thank you for posting this Susie.

  9. I am so sorry. I lost my husband and know that particular sorrow.

  10. I am so sorry to hear of her loss. May God bless both of them and may he give her strength to continue with her own treatment.

  11. Wow, this is an amazing blog! keep up the good work... and as a Lebanese woman who lived in Saudi for 15 years... GOOD LUCK :)

  12. I felt a deep sorrow at reading your post that it took me a moment to find my voice and pick up my heart from some far off place.

    May her family and close friends support her through this time of utter sorrow; because separation at the last moment before utter separation is unbearable to imagine.

    I join the circle of prayers that have started around the world for her strength and renewal of health; and for a ease of her husband's soul.
