
Monday, February 1, 2010

Susie of Arabia Interview on CNN-Go Asia

Thanks to all of you who voted for Susie's Big Adventure for Best Asian Weblog in the 2010 Weblog Awards. The voting concluded January 31st and the winners will be named on an unspecified date sometime in February or March. There is usually an Academy Award type ceremony in Austin, Texas, where the winners are announced at a big techie trade show, but for some reason it seems the plans have changed.

You might be interested to know that I was interviewed by CNN International-Go Asia, along with the other nominees in the Best Asian category and you can read the questions and answers here.

Anyway if you haven't checked out some of the other blogs that were nominated, you really should. With 30 different categories comprised of five nominees in each, there is a wealth of terrific blogs for you to discover. You can click on any of the nominees at the 2010 Weblog Awards site and go right to their blogs.

Thanks again for your support!


  1. congrats on the nomination...your blog is most deserving.
    hugs to you!

  2. Congratulations Susie!

    Your blog is awesome. You do deserve it.


  3. Congratulations, Susie! Good luck! Love your blog.

  4. Susie- Mabruk on your nomination! I'm just one more of the many Susie of Arabia fans. Hope you win it cuz you deserve it.

  5. congratualtion on the nomination and i wish you will win cuz you really deserve it :)

  6. Susie, I haven't commented before, but I love your blog. I really hope you win and congrats on being on CNN!

  7. Thanks so much, everyone - I really appreciate your feedback and support!

  8. wow congrats ms. susie, from your number one fan here

  9. Congrats! Do you really consider the Middle East part of Asia, though? My friends and I are divided on this issue. It's right between Europe and Asia, but the customs are so different from many in either place that I usually just consider it its own entity.

  10. Thanks again to all!
    I don't really consider the ME as part of Asia, but I guess technically it is. This contest used to include the ME with the African category but now it comes under Asian. They frequently change the categories of this contest.
