
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Carol's Cats

I have written before about my friend and fellow blogger Carol, known as American Bedu. She and her Saudi husband were both diagnosed with cancer and traveled to the USA to receive medical treatment. Carol's beloved husband Abdullah lost his fight with leukemia in February 2010. Carol continues to remain in the states and is still aggressively battling breast cancer.

Carol's blog, American Bedu, is one of the most widely read and helpful sources of information about Saudi Arabia that there is. She is a former US diplomat who has lived and traveled around the world. She has faithfully and tirelessly continued posting during her health crisis and has faced this challenge with grace and dignity.

I know I don't have to tell you how expensive health care is in the USA. Her insurance through her husband's policy was abruptly ended shortly after his death. So on top of her fight for her life, Carol is also facing financial difficulties.

She is a cat lover and terribly misses her two cats, which she was forced to leave behind in Saudi Arabia. Carol is now trying to bring her beloved cats to North Carolina. Can you help by making a donation to help her reach her modest goal? If you can, you will be helping to bring back some much needed comfort and familiarity into the life of my friend whose life has been turned upside down these last few years by the tragedy of illness and the loss of her dear husband.

Please click here to read more about Carol and learn how you can easily make a PayPal donation for her cause.

UPDATE: The goal has been reached and Carol will be reunited with her cats soon!


  1. Why doesn't her in laws send her cats to her??

  2. I'm sure if Carol's relatives in KSA were in the position to be able to do it, they would. There are extenuating circumstances that are not public knowledge.

  3. So sorry to hear about your friend. Will pop over there later on today.

  4. I'll be praying for her.

  5. i'm so happy she will get babies back!

  6. Miss new follower :)Aug 11, 2010, 3:18:00 PM

    Hi, what an amazing story. I am so glad her cats are with her now. Also, it's so nice to know how kind are her readers and yours for helping them. This story gives me a smile today. Thanks for posting. Have a beautiful day.

  7. she seems like a figther
    hope she gets well soon

