
Monday, September 20, 2010

ExPat Blog of the Month

I am so proud to announce that this blog has been selected as "Blog of the Month" on ExPat Blog - an online forum for expatriates living all over the world.

ExPat Blog offers a place for people to connect with other expats and to share our experiences with each other. We can post photos, links to our blogs, ask questions, and join in discussions on the online forums. For people interested in living in another country, there is abundant and vital information posted about many countries around the world, such as living accommodations, health care, cost of living, schools, getting around, and activities.

You can read my interview on ExPat Blog here.

There is quite an interesting and eclectic group of expats who have been previously featured as Expat Blog of the Month, and I hope you will take the time to check out their stories as well.


  1. Congratulations! You certainly deserve it. Your blog is very informative and entertaining!

  2. Congrats! Great interview. I've learned so much from your blog. You deserve the honor!

  3. congratulations Susie! well done :) i'm not really surprised cause your blog (and the other one as well) are exquisite! i've read them all and look forward to new posts! please keep writing!
    thanks to your blog I learned a lot and it helped me to make an informative (as much informative as it can get) decision about my future life. so big thank you for that!

  4. Congratulations Susie - you deserve the award.

  5. Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

  6. Hello

    Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!
