
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Challenging Misconceptions of Islam

This 8-minute long CNN video segment features a Public Service Announcement on Islam and Islamophia, as well as an interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra talking about his new timely book, Muhammed - A Story of the Last Prophet.


  1. I'm not exactly a fan of Deepak Chopra but I will consider his book. I wonder how it compares to Karen Armstrong's book about Muhammed?

  2. Thanks for the clip, it is amazing :)

  3. It is good to encourage us all to learn more, to realize that we are all human beings.
    I am not sure that all said in this video is true. I don't think Jesus claimed to be the Son of God; he generally used the phrase son of man.
    I don't believe Muhammad is the last prophet in the sense of no more prophets. Who are we to presume that God would not speak to us again? I think the seal is like a seal of approval, Muhammad's Message corroborating the other prophets. In fact, we have a living prophet today who received a Message called The Revelation of Arès in 1974 and 1977. Our Creator, speaking through His prophets, still asks of us the same thing---to change so as to be and do good.

  4. It's really nice that people are trying to learn more about Islam.

    Although I do remember Aisha being nine when she was engaged and eleven when she was married....I've never heard that she was six.

    By the way Susie, I noticed that you've got the breast cancer ribbon on your page. Are you coming to the participate in the largest ribbon next week here in Jeddah?

  5. Thank you for introducing us to Al Bagshi's paintings and for bring some very important issues to light on your blog. Glad your computer is up and running.

  6. The assertion that people who object to Islam are “ignorant” is not correct. Books about Islam, including the Qur’an, Islamic scripture and history have been widely read since 9/11, in particular in the West.

    It is because the world is learning about Islam that each time polls are taken, these show increased numbers of people disapproving of the religion with a political agenda.

    Regardless of individual Muslims stating, “I don’t want to push my faith on you,” the fact remains that the Qur’an commands Muslims to make Islam the single, solitary faith of mankind. Saudi Arabia is funding thousands of conservative, fundamentalist mosques around the world. Imams who preach Salafism does not sit well with non-Muslims.

    It is well documented that Muhammad was a warrior, who led over 65 battles personally and not a man of peace as were Jesus or Buddha. If all Muslims followed the example of Muhammad and the mandates in the Qur’an there would be even more violence from dar al Islam.

    The promotional piece did not do much to show the equality of women under Islam since most of the men were dressed very comfortably while the women wore hijab and abayas. Even little girls were sexualized by having to cover themselves, glaringly unequally from boys.

    Today, Muslims continue to marry off (sell) their prepubescent daughters because they reason, if it was good enough for Muhammad to marry a six year old girl and consummate that marriage when she was nine, then it should be good enough for all Muslims. The age of marriage in most Muslim countries is scandalously low.

    Men can still beat their wives if these do not obey, according to the Qur’an. Women still inherit less according to sharia. Women cannot divorce as can men by simply saying, “Talaq, talaq, talaq.” Women cannot get custody of their children, particularly after these are a certain age. Crimes in the name of “honor” against women abound in the Islamic world and those who commit them are not punished as they would be in any other nation.

    Mr. Chopra claims that, “We cannot judge across the ages.”

    Why not, when Islam is supposed to be for all time? Why not when Muslims continue to live in the dark ages and all too many insist that the whole world should live that way too? Why not when the world sees Muslim terrorists commit their atrocities and justify these by quoting the Qur’an? Why not when poll after poll shows that Muslims support jihad and suicide bombings? Why not when all too many Muslims dream of a worldwide Islamic caliphate? Why not when school books in Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia call Jews “apes and pigs,” while teaching children that non-Muslims and even Muslims of other sects are their enemies? Why not when Muslim clerics, politicians and ordinary people regularly call for the destruction of all other societies and claim that Islam should reign supreme as the Qur’an demands? Why not when a so called “advanced” Muslim society like Iran or Saudi Arabia prosecute people for witchcraft and continue to mete out medieval punishments such as amputations, lashings or even stonings?

    Why not, when nary a day goes by without terror perpetrated in the name of Islam? Why not when there is unending Muslim on Muslim slaughter and all of it is justified by Islamic scripture?

    A “phobia” is an irrational fear. It is perfectly rational to fear terror and people who use their political ideology disguised as a religion to justify it.

    It is often said, that Islam is what Muslims do.

    As long as Muslims continue to behave as the Qur’an demands and use Muhammad as an example of “perfect” behavior, the world will not believe that Muslims want to live with non-Muslims in peace. As long as some Muslims live in non-Islamic societies, pretend to integrate and then commit terror Muslims will be looked upon with suspicion. As long as Muslims do not make regular, massive protests against the terror perpetrated in the name of their religion—fewer and fewer people will believe anything that Muslims say.

  7. SALAM, SUSIE! Thanks for visiting my blog, you´re so sweet.
    I really think that people must know more about Islam. The world needs mutual understanding.
    May you answer a question? I see two photos of you in this blog, one with hijab and another without it. Sometimes you use it and sometimes not? I would like to know it because I only use it when I pray.
    Thanks for your attention again,

  8. Hi Anon @ 7:50PM - Yes, I am participating in the Pink Ribbon Event - see you there!

    Hi Denise - I do wear hijab here for the simple reason that my husband insists. I've always liked scarves and hats - on other people, but not on me! A scarf around my neck makes me hotter and more uncomfortable in this unbearable heat.

  9. I was going to say something, but Regina has pretty much expressed my views. No need to twist the knife.

    I will check out Denise's blog.

    Jay Kactuz

  10. This is probably coming too late, but the points that you have made are ridiculous, Regina.

    65 battles? Really? I am not going to bother refuting the other things, but there's something they teach in college along the lines of "citing sources to prove your argument."
