
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Burka Woman!

Thanks to SaudiWoman for posting this first... it's hilarious! Enjoy!


  1. This is hilarious, I loved it!

  2. LOL.
    If they're going by toenails, I'm safe.

  3. Funny!

    "Show me your left nostril" lol. Wonder what the niqabis think of this.

  4. As a Niqabi (and no i dont show my toenails ;) ) i find the song itself funny but why put the whole 'burka' part in? Theres already enough people taking the mick, enough people attacking the niqab and enough people giving grief about niqab both muslim and non muslim alike. Its sad.

    hmmm maybe he could have just done a 'pretty' woman song :p (yeh i know *rolleyes*)

  5. A sense of humour is seriously lacking among Muslims, maybe this will help revive it, fuuuuuuuuuuuuny!

  6. Hilarious, if the reason for this take-off weren't so tragic.

    "Sweet", yes my eyes are rolling. It's bad enough when men impose the niqab on women, but when women adopt it out of "choice", well, yes there were slaves who believed that slavery was the right and proper way of the world. Sad, sad.

  7. This is offensive. I am a Muslim woman; I do not cover my face but I do consider the hijab a deeply spiritual and personal act of worship. I don't appreciate any form of the hijab being mocked at.

  8. Hmmm... hard to respond to this. Many levels of reaction. I take it there is an element of sarcasm in this video and humor is a healthy sign of recognition that things are not all right. But is that what was intended with this parody of Pretty Woman? And why does sweetlikechocolate completely miss the point? Or did I?

  9. awesome!!!! i really really enjoyed it, I personaly think everyone should be free to wear what they want, its their freedom, thats why it is sad to see negative comments to this video (on youtube) from niqabis or other strict muslims who believe its ok to make fun of others but not of them, they should actually make more videos like this 1, oh and btw, one day in london i was walking with my friends (oxford street) and a niqabi woman walked next to a kid, the id just turned and said "mom look" a mailbox!" i couldnt stop laughing that day...

  10. I thought this was so funny and done in way that makes light of the culture. Not that I know that much, but if you can't laugh at yourself.. :)

  11. This is hilarious! I agree stablefreedom.

    Thanks for posting this Susie. When I saw the title, I thought of the Pretty Woman song.

  12. I like the high production values of the video--worthy of the best SNL parodies in that show's heyday. And the coda is particularly fun, so be sure to watch to the very end.
