
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jackass (Saudi Version)

People get quite creative in the country of Saudi Arabia where there is just not much to do.


  1. Oh my lol. Some of it was just kids acting silly like we all do, others was really dangerous. I have to admit I have seen people stick their feet out on the car and slid on there sandals more then once in Oman.

  2. That's incredible. I give youtube videos about 10 seconds generally but I watched yours to the end. Some stuff there I've never seen before. I hope that there are plentiful and well stocked emergency rooms in Saudi Arabia.

  3. LOL!! That last one with the motorcycle and roll bar looked kind of fun!!

  4. If that's how it is on the roads there, it's dangerous for anyone to drive, not just women.

  5. that was great, lol!

  6. Destructive boredom. The stunt at the 2:50 mark was hella crazy!

  7. Yes, I've seen this crazy driving and my husband HATES driving there because the drivers are so crazy.

  8. I love him .
    i wish I'll be there

  9. LOL! Whenever I see vid like this I am reminded of my own rural American childhood; rolling pickups down huge snow mountains, snowmobiling over ice and driving as fast as possible down the only one way street in the tri-county area and hitting the brakes so we could spin on the ice! Saudis are just red necks at heart, eh?!! HA!

  10. The blogger writes about Muslim against Muslim—the Ottomans against those in the middle east and how Muslims suffered because of violence against them by brother Muslims.

    How very typical.

    Muslims had better get their act together otherwise, it will be one man, one vote, ONE time! Never again a vote for who knows how long.

    Just look at Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and other Islamic states where Muslim is fighting Muslim.

    Islam and democracy are incompatible. It will be a long, long battle.

  11. Poor souls..
    Their freedoms have been robbed by so called religion and culture.
