
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

PeePee and VaJayJay Airport Design Comes Under Fire

When you watch this video, you might think that this is a big joke or a comedy sketch, but what's really sad about this is that this Saudi religious cleric is totally serious. I've said before that many men in Saudi Arabia, including the religious leaders, seem to equate everything in the world somehow to sex and see phallic symbols everywhere. The strict segregation of the sexes here creates depraved and unhealthy views about sex. I'm sure that there wouldn't be such an obsession and focus on sex here in the Kingdom if the men weren't so sexually repressed. Reasons for why women can't drive, reasons for this and reasons for that - everything always seems to boil down to sex. This video gives you an idea of the type of twisted thinking there is in something as simple as the design of a proposed new airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. There is also a tie-in to this being a Western conspiracy as well. Oh brother!

Here is the website for the new King Abdulaziz International Airport project.


  1. Oh my goodness.... I think I see the head, the arms spread in ectasy, her belly button and her legs spread wide... I am sure she was asking for it as his tower approaches her landing strip!
    My fiance thinks he can see the weeping face of Jesus...
    FYI, we both have lived in country, so we have to find the humor in all this!

  2. Hi Susie,
    You should know that MEMRI is headed by ex-IDF chief (Israel Defence Force). MEMRI is known to translate the worst from the Arab world. It selectively does that.
    It would be very wrong to base your conclusions and assumptions on such material. Although I am unable to watch the video, I can clearly see that your comments are no where near the truth.
    If you were to embark on an objective, unbiased research on the topics you are writing about, you'll get a larger view and it'll be, I'm sure, much different than what you are suggesting now.

  3. To Anonymous - I know about MEMRI. Their translation is accurate. This is the only video I could find that has the English translation subtitled with it so that's why I used it. You can Google this cleric's remarks about the Jeddah airport for yourself. If you speak Arabic, there are Arabic sites out there with this on them too. It's difficult to remain objective with such ridiculous statements coming out of the mouths of such perverted minds like this.

  4. Here is the link in Arabic only:

  5. Susie,
    You misunderstood my comment. I'm not saying the translation is incorrect. I'm only saying they only selectively translate what are the worst and the most strange opinions and statements from the Arab world.
    That's why I said it would be wrong to base your conclusions on such selective material.
    An objective research on all opinions out there, and in fact the majority opinion, will give you an entirely different picture.
    All the best!

  6. WOW!

    It sounds like this guy is obsessed with, dare I say, sex....

    If he had been exposed to women and not lead to believe he must never have contact with one, outside his own home, he wouldn't be seeing "it" in everything around him.

  7. This guy needs to actually spend time with real women so he will stop being so obsessed by them.

  8. Susie the video is not playing for many people, so here is the transcript:

    Saudi Cleric Warns of Western Conspiracy: Design of Jedda Airport Resembles a Penis and a Vagina

    Following are excerpts from a video featuring Saudi cleric Dr. Ali Baqna, posted on the Internet (June 1, 2011): 

    Ali Baqna: This clip reveals the true story behind the design of the [Jedda] airport. We can see clearly in this picture… This is the head, here is one hand, and here is another hand. This is a leg, and here is the other leg. But what do we have here? This is a women's vagina. And what do we have here? A man's penis. And here we have another vagina. 

    This is a man's penis [coming out] of a vagina, but opposite it, there is a woman lying on the land of the Arabian Peninsula. This pillar represents the penis – God forbid – in this pagan design, and this represents the female. This is exactly what it represents. It is very clear, Allah be praised. 

    This is a drawing made according to this model. This is the airport. Here is the head, these are the hands, and here you have the legs. The woman's vagina is very clear in this drawing. This is a depiction of the tallest control tower in the world. 

    This is only to make things clear to you, and to show you that this design is a pagan design, a design of the sacred woman whom they worship, in order to sanctify fertility, witchcraft, paganism, and so on. 


    Here you can clearly see the head, the hands, and the legs. The tower erected here represents a human penis, God forbid. This here represents a woman's vagina, God forbid. To my view, this is crystal clear. 


    People who know how the West thinks realize that this reflects their never-ending ways of deception. It is as Allah said: "Nor will they cease fighting you." They are fighting you with weapons, with spearheads, with ideology, and so on. 


    This is a vagina from which a penis comes out. "Allah's curse be upon them, how they are deluded away from the truth." The [West] relies upon such theories, such desires, and the so-called women's liberation. Why? Women's liberation? So that women can be like the rebellious Lilith. 


    Prince Khaled is presenting the model to Prince Sultan. Note that the penis can be seen here. They feared that this would be revealed – the head, the hands, the penis – so when they were standing in front of the larger model, it didn't include the penis. How come? Where is the penis here? Maybe they wanted to avoid problems.


    This is hardly the worst from the Saudi/Islamic world. It is rather typical, the obsession with sex, magic and paganism. I would say that the daily carnage in the name of religion is probably worse.

    This sex-obsessed cleric should visit Japan and watch the yearly Shinto fertility festival, Kanamara Matsuri complete with giant penises being carried through the streets. One does not have to use one’s imagination to figure out what is being represented.

    Hounen Matsuri Images:

  9. The mother of ALL problems in Islam is sex!

    Everything revolves around sex because Muslims are obsessed by sex. Obsession with sex is what keeps Muslims ignorant and backward. Sex is taboo in this life, but longed for in the next where every man, especially the martyrs, will enjoy 72 dark-eyed virgins every single day for eternity, as well as rivers of wine, servant boys like pearls and all manner of decadence forbidden to the living. (Women, IF they were good wives, only get their same old husbands in Paradise.)

    "It was mentioned by Daraj Ibn Abi Hatim, that Abu al-Haytham 'Adullah Ibn Wahb narrated from Abu Sa'id al-Khudhri, who heard the Prophet Muhammad PBUH saying, 'The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are eighty thousand servants and seventy-two houri, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah to San’a”

    Sunan al-Tirmidhi Vol. IV, Chapters on "The Features of Heaven as described by the Messenger of Allah", ch. 21 "About the Smallest Reward for the People of Heaven", hadith 2687

    “Each time we sleep with a Houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one [i.e. Muslim] will marry seventy [sic] houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas.” 4.0 4.1 Al-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur'an, p. 351

    While among the living:

    Women must be covered or men might want to rape them and have: Sex.

    Women cannot leave their homes or men might want to rape them and have: Sex.

    Women cannot be educated or men might want to rape them and have: Sex.

    Women cannot go out alone or men might want to rape them and have: Sex.

    Women cannot work along side men or men might want to rape them and have: Sex.

    Women must be married as soon as possible or men might want to rape them and have: Sex.

    Females of all ages must be protected from Muslim males or these men might want to rape them and have: Sex.

    The rest of the world seems to get along just fine only thinking about sex and actually having sex at the appropriate times. Yes, criminals rape, but that has little to do with sex and everything to do with violence and power.

    Therefore, one can conclude that the repression forced upon Muslims, especially Arab Muslims by Islam makes them obsessed with sex and perverted in their views of what is normal and natural between men and women. It appears that Islam puts forth that all men are potential criminal-rapists and women she-devils who will put spells on men if these are permitted to walk about freely.

  10. Well Marianne, here you are again being just as ignorant and bigoted as before!

  11. Anonymous @ 3:51,
    Can you please, at the bare minimum, give yourself a handle? How much more anonymity than that do you believe actually benefits a conversation?

  12. Anonymous‬ said...
    “Well Marianne, here you are again being just as ignorant and bigoted as before!”

    Well, Anonymous, care to put forth some specifics as to where anything that I have stated or quoted is inaccurate? Arab News and other Islamic papers are full of statements about jihad, Paradise and martyrdom in the name of religion. Not only do Islamist terrorists quote the scriptures, but so do ordinary Muslims, who wait for the Islamic caliphate to rule the world and bring them into the long awaited perfect Islamic life.

    The problem with Islam is that Muslims are such liars; they lie to themselves and to the rest of the world.

    Oh, no, they claim! Terror has NOTHING to do with Islam,when actually hundreds of passages from the Qur’an, from the ahadith, from the sunnah, from all sorts of Islamic texts show that terror is what it is all about. Then, there are the bodies, the DEAD bodies of TODAY! Not a day passes that there are not at least a dozen or more attacks by Muslims against brother Muslims.

    Care to explain those? Please put up some proof that you are not lying when you claim that Islam is peace. Claiming that those who oppose the totalitarian hegemony of Islam are ignorant bigots will not get you far given that the quotes are from Islam’s own holy scriptures while the facts and figures are from the news and history.

    Please show us which other religion has mandates that it must rule supreme?
    Muslims constantly, endlessly, incessantly dream of the day that there is a worldwide Islamic caliphate because, they believe that Muslims are superior to all other people in the world.

    “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors”. [Qur’an 3:110]

    "Fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and religion is only for Allah. But if they cease/desist, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers." Qur'an:2:193

    "Surely Allah loves those who fight in His Cause." Qur'an 61:4

    "The unbelieving infidels are allies. Unless you (Muslims) aid each other (fighting as one united block to make Allah's religion victorious), there will be confusion and mischief. Those who accepted Islam, left their homes to fight in Allah's Cause (al-Jihad), as well as those who give them asylum, shelter, and aid - Qur'an:8:73

    "Your Lord ordered you out of your homes to fight for the true cause, even though some Muslims disliked it, and were averse (to fighting)."
    (all) Believers: for them is pardon and bountiful provision (in Paradise)." Qur'an:8:5

    Islam and ONLY Islam has these scores of mandates in its scriptures, and Muslims actually believe it, despite the fact that most are illiterate and still living in the 7th century dependent on infidel aid to feed their people.

    What sort of a god is this allah who prescribes war, murder, slavery and subjugation of peoples just because they reject Islam? Have you been reading the papers and the persecutions by Muslims of anyone who is not Muslim or not a good enough Muslim—all happening in the Arab states: In Egypt, in Turkey, in Iran, in Iraq, in Malaysia, in Africa, in Indonesia?

    So much for no compulsion in religion!

  13. Anonymous‬ said...
    “Well Marianne, here you are again being just as ignorant and bigoted as before!”
    Well, Anonymous, please feel free to put forth some specifics as to where anything that I have stated or quoted is inaccurate? Slandering me will do little good without proof. Arab News and other Islamic papers are full of statements about jihad, Paradise and martyrdom in the name of religion. Not only do Islamist terrorists quote the scriptures, but so do ordinary Muslims, who wait for the Islamic caliphate to rule the world and bring them into the long awaited perfect Islamic life.

    The problem with Islam is that Muslims are such liars; they lie to themselves and to the rest of the world.

    Oh, no, they claim! Terror has NOTHING to do with Islam,when actually hundreds of passages from the Qur’an, from the ahadith, from the sunnah, from all sorts of Islamic texts show that terror is what it is all about. Then, there are the bodies, the DEAD bodies of TODAY! Not a day passes that there are not at least a dozen or more attacks by Muslims against brother Muslims.

    Care to explain those? Please put up some proof that you are not lying when you claim that Islam is peace. Claiming that those who oppose the totalitarian hegemony of Islam are ignorant bigots will not get you far given that the quotes are from Islam’s own holy scriptures while the facts and figures are from the news and history.

    Please show us which other religion has mandates that it must rule supreme?
    Muslims constantly, endlessly, incessantly dream of the day that there is a worldwide Islamic caliphate because, they believe that Muslims are superior to all other people in the world.

    “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors”. [Qur’an 3:110]

    "Fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and religion is only for Allah. But if they cease/desist, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers." Qur'an:2:193

    "Surely Allah loves those who fight in His Cause." Qur'an 61:4

    "The unbelieving infidels are allies. Unless you (Muslims) aid each other (fighting as one united block to make Allah's religion victorious), there will be confusion and mischief. Those who accepted Islam, left their homes to fight in Allah's Cause (al-Jihad), as well as those who give them asylum, shelter, and aid - Qur'an:8:73

    "Your Lord ordered you out of your homes to fight for the true cause, even though some Muslims disliked it, and were averse (to fighting)."
    (all) Believers: for them is pardon and bountiful provision (in Paradise)." Qur'an:8:5

    Islam and ONLY Islam has these scores of mandates that are its scriptures, mandates for subjugating ALL peoples in all lands of the world, while Muslims actually believe it, despite the fact that most are illiterate and still living in the 7th century dependent on infidel aid to feed their people.

    What sort of a god is this allah who prescribes war, murder, slavery and subjugation of peoples just because they reject Islam? Have you been reading the papers and the persecutions by Muslims of anyone who is not Muslim or not a good enough Muslim—all happening in the Arab states: In Egypt, in Turkey, in Iran, in Iraq, in Malaysia, in Africa, in Indonesia?

    So much for no compulsion in religion!

  14. Give that man a wool shirt and a flail!

  15. First let me start with saying that I love your blog susie, you are a very good writer mashallah.

    Subhanallah. Marianne, take it easy. Don’t spend your energy in hatred. Relax my dear, take it easy. By the way, you have such a beautiful name. I saw sense and sensibility and kate winslet's name was marianne. lovely name.

    As a muslim, I do not want to judge you, I am sure whatever experience you had with muslim in the past must have been a bad one for you to come to this kind of argument and conclusion.

    We have to take knowledge from a qualified teacher, so my suggestion is do not read the quran and take things out of context. The first chapter of quran starts with Alif Lam Mim, and the fuqahaa says the translation of that is Allahualam. Means only Allah knows. So a muslim have to start reading the quran with humility to the Lord, since we dont even understand the first word. And do understand that phonym have meanings, only in english it is said that phonym have no meanings.

    And if you open the quran, you will find what you want to find. trust me. If you are looking for a cause of hatred, you will find it, and if you are looking for love, you will find it. trust me. Thats why a muslim when they start reading the quran, they start with auzubillahiminashaitanirrojim, means “I take refuge in Allah from accursed Satan” to protect themselves from being astrayed in understanding the word of Allah, like some people are (hmm..). So dont take things out of context, it might be that you have misunderstood it.

    It's odd when people say Islam prescribes war, murder, slavery and subjugation of people, that was not the case in the time of our beloved prophet saw. The people who were with the prophet were not allowed to raise up their arms against the quraish for 13 years, even though they were treated so badly, they have patience for 13 years, at that time they were only allowed to raise their forearms to protect their head when quraish were hitting them for 13 years, subhanallah. It is best to read my dear, from good sources. from someone who is knowledgeable. I am doing my phd in public health, and there is a reason why I am doing my phd under a supervisor who specialise in public health, because I want to get knowledge from someone who knows what he is doing. Likewise in Islam. Not from someone who wrote the book, why I left islam, or the problem with islam, or the satanic verses. These writers do not define muslims. Read from Hamza Yusuf, Yusuf Estes, buy the book by Imam Ghazali etc.



  16. Continued....

    There are some bad muslims, maybe in saudi or other places but on the other hand, there are some nice muslims too. I am in Scotland, and the people here are very nice too despite not being muslim and never once did any Scottish made any deragatory remarks to me. I am from Malaysia, and I did found some bad muslims there but I don’t accuse all muslims as bad. The same like other people in other religion.
    I have met very nice Christians, and i know the best of them practice the concept of "turn the other cheek" and overlook people's mistakes. I’m sure your religion teaches people to think nice of others. Or if you are an atheist, or follow the law of attraction, I’m sure you know you will attract whatever you are emotional about. Happiness and hatred don’t go together. Really, trust me. I learned a lot from Jerry and Esther Hicks.

    Anyway, maybe what you are saying does happens, I mean the subjugating of people, but not in every part of the world. 1.3 billion of muslims, you didn’t even found 1 person that is nice? Not 1? Not even 1? Really? Out of 1.3 billion and not 1? And there are 6 billion people in the world. My mother used to work in Saudi and I have been to Saudi and well, I guess there are some subjugation of people happening. These people are oppressive, and a tyrant but don’t worry as I am sure they will get what they earn, sooner if not later. They forgot that to thank Allah is to thank the people, means being good to others, not oppressing them. But not all of them are like that. Not all. And how many percent of them are actually Arab and represent the Muslims? Most Muslims are not from the Arab world. I am not from the Arab world.

    I am from Malaysia and people are free to practice their religion. My best friend is a Christian and her name is Geraldine, and I went to a convent school during my primary and secondary years and most of my friends are non-muslims and we get along just well, without problems.

    Don’t blame the religion for what some small percentage of its people do.
    I wish you all the best Marianne. You are my sister in humanity and I want what is good for you the same like I want for myself.

    Sorry this is not my first language, please forgive the grammatical mistakes.


  17. Well said, Marianne!!
    And Susie - many thanx for posting this clip and highlighting one of the biggest problems facing that society!

  18. When I first came across some of Mariannes comments about the banning of the burqa I thought they were great and I really agreed with them. However now I see that Marianne will disagree with anything muslim. She obviously really hates muslims and at any opportunity will bring up lots of facts to slag them off, that are not even relevant. Why bring up terror, what's that got to do with it? Maybe everything she says is true, but its not very useful to write all this venom. I mean you aren't going to change the muslims minds are you? If you hate muslims so much and the mere mention of them upsets you so much, maybe you shouldn't read this blog. Maybe you shouldn't think about muslims if it makes your blood boil so much.

    Maybe there is some stuff in the Quran that doesn't sound too great to non-muslims. But this is not muslims fault is it? Im sure if you look in the bible there is some equally bad stuff. All the muslims that I know are muslims because they were born into muslim families. They didn't choose their religion. They don't hate infidels just because the Quran says they should. They don't want us all dead. A muslim person has never been horrible to me because Im not muslim. Ive had several muslim boyfriends, who have been very nice to me. Of course their religion bans these relationships, but they didn't care. Most muslims I know just go along with the religion to please their families, they don't really agree with it all.

    At the end of the day muslims exist, and always will, so why don't we try to get on with them rather than slag them off and offend them? I bet some muslims probably don't like what is written is the Quran, I bet they wish their Prophet hadn't slept with a nine year old, I bet they wish they don't have to cover their bodies and avoid alcohol and fast during Ramadam, but they will never admit it. They will never put their religion down, so you are fighting a losing battle I reckon.

  19. Very well said Marianne, BRAVO!

  20. Wow, that's a great comment Sam. Though I think would've said it in 6 words. 'Life is short. Deal with it.'

  21. EA said... Subhanallah. Marianne, take it easy. Don’t spend your energy in hatred. Relax my dear, take it easy. By the way, you have such a beautiful name. I saw sense and sensibility and kate winslet's name was marianne. lovely name.

    Hatred? Putting forth facts is hatred?

    The purpose of Susie’s blog appears to be to educate and inform people about KSA, the crucible of Islam that holds itself up as the example that all Muslims should follow.

    The purpose of my posts is to educate and inform people about Islam, especially those who are ignorant, including Muslims and nonMuslims alike.

    I can post facts about Islam in my sleep. It takes very little energy to counter the lies and fantasies of believers.

    Please do not confuse the transmission of valid information as hatred. Muslims do that all the time. If one states the unvarnished, documented, irrefutable truth, then one is named a hater and an Islamophobe. Quite frankly, I could not care less about Muslims or Islam, what I care about is the incessant attempt by Muslims to foist their backward way of life unto others, especially the free peoples of the world. In Europe there are Muslims calling for sharia law. The Brits have already acquiesced to sharia in family law. Everywhere that Muslims go, they demand special privileges that others do not receive. Sweet as Chocolate here on this blog constantly whines that Muslim women should be permitted niqab or burqa in France, in spite of the fact this contravenes French law of equality among the sexes.

    You EA have yet to refute a single statement that I have made, all of which are documented and truthful.

    Glad that you like the name. Marianne is the national emblem of France and an allegory of Liberty and Reason.

    ”As a muslim, I do not want to judge you, I am sure whatever experience you had with muslim in the past must have been a bad one for you to come to this kind of argument and conclusion.”

    The arguments are straight from Islamic scripture and history. That means historically, billions of people had some very bad experiences with Islam. Do you have any knowledge of the history of slavery, especially sex-slavery in Islam? Are you aware that slavery was not outlawed in KSA until 1962?

    As a free person, who believes in equality, plurality, democracy, the rule of law I will judge you if you tell me that all people must submit to discriminatory, mysogynstic Islamic sharia and that the Muslim way is superior. Are you cognizant of the fact that Muslims do not recognize the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Muslims have their own ”The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam” based in discriminatory sharia.

    Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam - Diverges from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in key respects

    We have to take knowledge from a qualified teacher, so my suggestion is do not read the quran and take things out of context.

    I have studied Islam for many decades from very qualified teachers. Just because you do not agree with what they have to say, does not make them unqualified or you knowledgeable. It is clear that you—like so many Muslims— do not know the violent, hegemonic, imperialistic history of Islam. Yet to a man/woman they all dream of an Islamic caliphate to rule the world.

    If you do not agree that Islam should rule supreme then say so. End of discussion!


  22. EA, are you even aware that the Qur’an is not arranged in order of revelation but rather from longest to shortest surah? The so-called first chapter Al-Alaq is actually the 96th revelation? 

And if you open the quran, you will find what you want to find. trust me. If you are looking for a cause of hatred, you will find it, and if you are looking for love, you will find it. trust me.

    Sorry, but why should I or anyone trust you when you appear to know so little about your own religion?

    The Qur’an is more of a war manual than anything else because Muhammad and his companions used it to secure their Islamic empire. There is very little love in it, aside from a few of the Meccan passages that were gleaned from the Bible. Once Muhammad was driven to Medina the Qur’an is all about hatred of the infidel, hatred of the Jews, hatred of the nonMuslim world and Islamic conquest thereof.
    What do you think about one fifth of the war booty belonging to the messenger?

    “…of all the booty that ye may
    acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah,- and to
    the Messenger …”

    What other holy text has a whole chapter about war booty?

    Thats why a muslim when they start reading the quran, they start with auzubillahiminashaitanirrojim, means “I take refuge in Allah from accursed Satan” to protect themselves from being astrayed in understanding the word of Allah, like some people are (hmm..). So dont take things out of context, it might be that you have misunderstood it.

    Perhaps you should consider that Muslims are misunderstanders of Islam? As a highly educated person I take things IN context, especially the context of history. Muslims, who very often are not educated, do not do that. Most Muslims do not speak Arabic, their Qur’ans are translated as is yours since you are clearly not a native Arabic speaker. Most Muslims have no clue as to the history of Islam. I know Islamic doctrine and its history extremely well.

    It’s odd when people say Islam prescribes war, murder, slavery and subjugation of people, that was not the case in the time of our beloved prophet saw. “

    This is completely UNTRUE! When Muhammad was driven to Medina he began to fight, very aggressive wars. At that point the war passages, slavery and subjugation of others were “revealed.” The first such battle was that of Badr, where the members of the slaughtered caravan were dismembered in true Islamic style.

    I can post plenty of information along with quotes from Islamic scripture, just in case you are not educated in those historical facts.

    The people who were with the prophet were not allowed to raise up their arms against the quraish for 13 years, even though they were treated so badly, they have patience for 13 years, at that time they were only allowed to raise their forearms to protect their head when quraish were hitting them for 13 years, subhanallah.

    Indeed, and ultimately the Muslims fought back and fought back aggressively to conquer the world for Islam.

    It is best to read my dear, from good sources. from someone who is knowledgeable.. Likewise in Islam. ...Read from Hamza Yusuf, Yusuf Estes, buy the book by Imam Ghazali etc.

    Kindly do not make presumptions and do not be patronizing! I will put up my knowledge of Islam and its history against that of most Muslims, especially those Muslims who believe the fairy-tale that Islam was spread peacefully.

    Have you read any of those books that you deride? The Satanic Verses, for example, is, according to the author about: “Migration, metamorphosis, divided selves, love, death, London and Bombay.” It is not so much about Islam as the immigrant experience. Still, Muslims the world over needed to riot against a novel—a mere novel. Have you read the Muslim historian al Tabari? You can learn a great deal about the Islamic wars of aggression from the most famous Muslim historian. He is very, very proud of the butchery, the enslavement, the conquering for Islam. 

  23. This is funny & scary at the same time. That's why I'm never comfortable when dealing with a Saudi . I mean if he can imagine sexual things out of a huge building like an airport I wonder what they'll imagine if they see a real woman. They try to desperately cover the women in abaya or burqa or even behind walls but it will never work cause the problem is in their deprived minds. May be they should start mingling with women to solve that.

    I think the white model is cute though lol it can be used to teach children about sex.

    And Marianne should get a separate blog instead of trying to hijack Susie's

  24. Marianne,
    You talked as if you came from a prefect place... Where everyone is perfect.. Wow... Where is this place I may ask? 1/4 of the world population is bad... Causing all the problems .. Let's blame Muslims ...oh let see... Global warming, hunger, women being rape, abused, poverty, the last major economic crises, all the past world wars, relentless plundering of the earth resources, unemployment, raping of the US economy by the rich Muslims of course... Teen age sex, STDs, human trafficking...... Such evil evil Muslims.... And I am pretty sure all the uneducated ones are Muslims and all poor immigrants are also Muslims ...

  25. “Because, after all, that’s what you do.”“‘It’s been great fun, but it was just one of those things.’”“He knows them, though, and they know him. He’s just the sort of fellow they’d put up here if they were being sneaky, don’t you see that?”

  26. Marianne all your vitriol seems so pointless - where are you going with it? You seem a very bitter and twisted individual, I assume you'd like to cleanse the world of this religion - tell me, how realistic do you think that is? And is it really worth boiling yourself up into a fury in trying to achieve such an unlikely end? Compare and contrast EA and Marianne, in the few words each has posted, which of the two seems the more fulfilled and content?

  27. ‪Expat For Life‬ said... “Marianne should get a separate blog instead of trying to hijack Susie’s”

    LOL Sorry, but what with a career, family, animals, garden and community obligations I only have time for a few blog comments here and there.
    Hijack? Susie has complete control over who posts on her blog. Given the controversial subjects that she addresses, why not allow varying points of view? Isn’t that democratic? ;)

    From the video that Susie posted here is cleric Ali Baqna ranting against the “sexual” airport design, blaming and claiming that it must be a Western plot:

    “This clip reveals the true story behind the design of the [Jedda] airport. We can see clearly in this picture… This is the head, here is one hand, and here is another hand. This is a leg, and here is the other leg. But what do we have here? This is a women's vagina. And what do we have here? A man's penis. And here we have another vagina. …

    …This is only to make things clear to you, and to show you that this design is a pagan design, a design of the sacred woman whom they worship, in order to sanctify fertility, witchcraft, paganism, and so on…

    ...People who know how the West thinks realize that this reflects their never-ending ways of deception. It is as Allah said: "Nor will they cease fighting you." They are fighting you with weapons, with spearheads, with ideology, and so on… 

    …This is a vagina from which a penis comes out. "Allah's curse be upon them, how they are deluded away from the truth." The [West] relies upon such theories, such desires, and the so-called women's liberation. Why? Women's liberation? So that women can be like the rebellious Lilith…”
    Read more:

    ‪Anonymous‬ said... Marianne,
You talked as if you came from a prefect place... Where everyone is perfect.. Wow... Where is this place I may ask?

    Changing the subject are we? To date not one of you has addressed the issues.

    Perfect place? Where have I stated anything of the sort? The only people ever claiming perfection are Muslims.

    Like the Qur’an, the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam also declares the perfection and supremacy of Muslims: …Reaffirming the civilizing and historical role of the Islamic Ummah which Allah made as the best community and which gave humanity a universal and well-balanced civilization, in which harmony is established between hereunder and the hereafter, knowledge is combined with faith, and to fulfill the expectations from this community to guide all humanity which is confused because of different and conflicting beliefs and ideologies and to provide solutions for all chronic problems of this materialistic civilization…”

    Where, specifically is this harmonious, universal and well-balanced civilization, KSA perhaps?
    The world sees nothing but murder, mayhem and abuse of human rights within the ummah, but, they want to “guide all humanity.”

    It appears that humanity does not want to be guided by they superior ummah. In fact, the other four-fifths of humanity, the great majority of the human race, get along rather well without it. You see, every time some believer screams “Allahu akbar” and proceeds to blow up his brethren in Islam and other innocent people, throws acid into the face of a Muslimah or “honor” kills her for being raped— this opens the credibility gap a bit wider.

    The fulfilled and contented ones should consider looking at the (pointless) rape statistics during the Arab Spring: Continued

  28. Continued from above
    The fulfilled and contented ones should consider looking at the (pointless) rape statistics during the Arab Spring. Perhaps they can get up some vitriol against it in their fulfilled Islamic contentment:

    ...Call for an End to Sexual Assault of Women Protesters

    Musawah Report 2011_CEDAW & Muslim Family Laws
    The research project reviewed documents for 44 countries with Muslim majority or significant Muslim minority populations that reported to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (‘CEDAW Committee’ or ‘the Committee’) from 2005 to 20 0. This report documents the trends identified in this review, along with responses from Musawah based on its holistic Framework for Action and recommendations to the CEDAW Committee for a deeper engagement and more meaningful dialogue on the connections between Muslim family laws and practices and international human rights law.

    The website: WOMEN LIVING UNDER MUSLIM LAWS has lots of information regarding the abuse of women via those laws.

    While we are talking about intolerance, sexual obsession and crimes against women:

    All of the rapes in Oslo, Norway in he last 5 years were committed by certain immigrants.

    2,000 young girls in the UK suffered genital mutilation last year. No one has been prosecuted.

    Anonymous claims that stating facts and providing quotes is blaming. You have it backwards.

    Read the Arab/Islamic papers! It is Muslims who incessantly blame the whole world for their self-made problems. That started way back in the 7th century when the newly minted ideology blamed the Jews for all of their woes and has not stopped since. I have never, ever said that all Muslims are bad. It is a fact, however, that polls show most Muslims support suicide bombing and terror against Jews and other infidels. It is also a fact that Muslims dream of Islam ruling the world. Who do you suppose supports terrorists?

    The issues are with an ideology, the perfect religion, according to Muslims; a religion that considers itself the Master Religion, just as Muslims are superior (Master) race as the Qur’an clearly states. Surely, you recall another ideology, one in the 20th century, claiming supremacy over other peoples. They too persecuted the Jews, homosexuals and anyone deemed not good enough. They too thought that women were only good for housework and breeding. Where do you suppose those ideas came from?

    Then again, since you have brought it up, why are so many millions of Muslims and nonMuslims alike risking their lives to try to immigrate to the non-perfect West? Why do Muslims come and then attempt to change democracies into the depraved, Hell-holes from which they escaped? Why are Muslims all over the Arab world supposedly demonstrating and fighting for non-perfect freedom and even less-perfect democracy?

    1. This reply is specially for Marianne for the facts.

      Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

      In 1995, 354,670 women were the victims of a rape or sexual assault. (NationalCrime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.)

      Over the last two years, more than 787,000 women were the victim of a rape or sexual assault. (National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S.Department of Justice, 1996.)

      The FBI estimates that 72 of every 100,000 females in the United States wereraped last year. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 1996.)


      One of the most startling aspects of sex crimes is how many go unreported. The most common reasons given by women for not reporting these crimes are the belief that it is a private or personal matter and the fear of reprisal from the assailant.

      Approximately 28% of victims are raped by husbands or boyfriends, 35% by acquaintances, and 5% by other relatives. (Violence against Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994)

      The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police. U.S. Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials.

      In 1994-1995, only 251,560 rapes and sexual assaults were reported to law enforcement officials -- less than one in every three. (National Crime Victimization Survey, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.)

      An overwhelming majority of rape service agencies believe that public education about rape, and expanded counseling and advocacy services for rape victims, would be effective in increasing the willingness of victims to report rapes to the police. (Rape in America, 1992, National Victim Center with Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center.)

    2. (Contd)


      According to the U.S. Department of Justice: (All statistics are taken from: Violenceagainst Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994.)

      One of every four rapes take place in a public area or in a parking garage.

      31% of female victims reported that the offender was a stranger.

      68% of rapes occur between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

      At least 45% of rapists were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

      In 29% of rapes, the offender used a weapon.

      In 47% of rapes, the victim sustained injuries other than rape injuries.

      75% of female rape victims require medical care after the attack.


      Family violence and abuse are among the most prevalent forms of interpersonal violence against women and young children -- both boys and girls. The sexual abuse of a child should never be "just a family matter," but many children are afraid to report an incident to the police because the abusers are too often a family friend or relative.

      Approximately one-third of all juvenile victims of sexual abuse cases are children younger than 6 years of age. (Violence and the Family, Report of the American Psychological Association Presidential Task Force on Violence and the Family, 1996.)

      According to the Justice Department, one in two rape victims are under age 18; one in six are under age 12. (Child Rape Victims, 1992. U.S. Department of Justice.)

    3. Contd-1

      About 81% of rape victims are white; 18% are black; 1% are of other races. (Violence against Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994.)

      About half of all rape victims are in the lowest third of income distribution; half are in the upper two-thirds. (Violence against Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994.)

      There were 71 forcible rapes per 100,000 females reported to United States law enforcement agencies in 1996. 2

      Data from the National Women's Study, a longitudinal telephone survey of a national household probability sample of women at least 18 years of age, show 683,000 women forcibly raped each year and that 84% of rape victims did not report the offense to the police.3

      Using Uniform Crime Report data for 1994 and 1995, the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that of rape victims who reported the offense to law enforcement, about 40% were under the age of 18, and 15% were younger than 12.4

      In a national survey 27.7% of college women reported a sexual experience since the age of fourteen that met the legal definition of rape or attempted rape, and 7.7% of college men reported perpetrating aggressive behavior which met the legal definition of rape.5

      The National Crime Victimization Survey indicates that for 1992-1993, 92% of rapes were committed by known assailants.1 About half of all rapes and sexual assaults against women are committed by friends and acquaintances, and 26% are by intimate partners.1

      Risk factors for perpetrating sexual violence include: early sexual experience (both forced and voluntary),6 adherence by men to sex role stereotyping,7,8 negative attitudes of men towards women,6,9,,10,11,12, alcohol consumption,8,13 acceptance of rape myths by men.8,9,12,14,15

      Non-forceful verbal resistance and lack of resistance are associated with rape completion.1,6

      The adult pregnancy rate associated with rape is estimated to be 4.7%. This information, in conjunction with estimates based on the U.S. Census, suggest that there may be 32,101 annual rape-related pregnancies among American women over the age of 18.17

      Non-genital physical injuries occur in approximately 40% of completed rape cases.18 As many as 3% of all rape cases have non-genital injuries requiring overnight hospitalization.19

      Victims of rape often manifest long-term symptoms of chronic headaches,18,20fatigue20, sleep disturbance20, recurrent nausea,20 decreased appetite,21 eating disorders,22 menstrual pain,18 sexual dysfunction,23 and suicide attempts.21 In a longitudinal study, sexual assault was found to increase the odds of substance abuse by a factor of 2.5.24

      Estimates of the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases resulting from rape range from 3.6% to 30%.18,22 HIV transmission risk rate from rape is estimated at 1 in 500,22,25 although a few probable cases have been documented in Sweden and Great Britain. 26,27

      Victims of marital or date rape are 11 times more likely to be clinically depressed, and 6 times more likely to experience social phobia than are non-victims. Psychological problems are still evident in cases as long as 15 years after the assault.28

      Fatalities occur in about 0.1% of all rape cases.29,30

      A study examining the use of health services over a five year period by female members of a health maintenance program found that the number of visits to physicians by rape victims increased 56% in the year following the crime, compared to a 2% utilization increase by non-victims.31

      Well This is your sooo PERFECT WEST...... a point to ponder.

  29. Unfortunately Susie, you and the rest of your supporters who agree with your article are indeed the biggest fools.It is people like you who can not see the bigger picture of this world. Visit my blog and maybe you will see that there is truth is what the sheikh has said. Anyone who has studies the occult, freemasonry,mayan arts and culture will agree that what the sheikh has said is indeed 100% correct. There is always two sides to a coin. View both sides before passing judgement.
