
Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Susie Says" Jeddah Blog Interview

I am so pleased to share with you THIS LINK which is an interview I did with JEDDAH BLOG. In this interview you can learn more about my life in KSA and my feelings about living here, see photos of me and my family, and see a few of my watercolor paintings (one of my passions). I'd like to thank JEDDAH BLOG for this introduction to their readers and the opportunity to express myself through their thoughtful questions.

JEDDAH BLOG focuses on events, organizations, people, businesses, and services in and around Jeddah. They are a wealth of information if you want to know more about what's going on in Jeddah. Please check out JEDDAH BLOG!



  1. You are looking great. Hope all is going well.


  2. I love your honest blog, I am from Canada and was interested in learning more about Saudi Arabia when I learned of the driving ban. It is an interesting society and if I could I would like to visit (but that won't happen although I do want to go to the middle east, probably Oman soon) I want to say that I love your new hair cut, it makes you look beautiful.

    a Canadian fan

  3. Thanks, BigStick. I'm doing just fine.

    Hi LauraLee - Thanks for much for your comment. I like my new haircut too!

  4. your interview and love all the photographs. Yes, you do look terrific. That last sentence says it all.

  5. Thank you, Lori. I really thought Naima did a great job with it.

  6. Nice interview and your new hair style is great!

  7. I LOVE your hair Susie!!! You are looking great! Francesca from Ottawa, Canada

  8. I so admire you for living there. I love home sweet home!
    Cheers from
    Cottage Country!

  9. Susie:

    I read the article. Your seem quite frustrated but I can certainly understand that frustration. I was wondering do you get frustrated with the women in Saudi and their adherance to this mentality in spite that most of the world differs from their society? In that I mean that most the world, women are deemed to be capable, intelligent, autonomous and independent.

    Or do you see that most women are trapped and incapable of craving out a different path for themselves in Saudi?

    Another question since you have been there in Saudi has there been any true notable freedoms for women and if so what? Besides being able to sell underwear. :)

  10. Thanks, Wendy, Francesca, and Jenn - for your comments.

    Hi BigStick - I am frustrated, mainly because changes in KSA come at much too slow a pace for my liking. I can't really blame the Saudi women if they don't share my views on what I think should be changed in this country. They were raised to believe that men are superior and a woman's role is subservient to that of a man's. But I do have a hard time understanding when some Saudi women object to change for all Saudi women and stand in the way of others who desire change - especially for those Saudi women who may be in unfortunate or abusive situations with their male guardians. I believe that we as women should be supportive of women's rights everywhere. Some Saudi women do not share this view that we are all sisters. I understand the Saudi woman who is afraid to speak out because she has been brainwashed and lives in fear. But I don't understand the more affluent and spoiled Saudi woman who has no sympathy or desire to help for her less fortunate counterpart.
    I would have to say that women entering the work force here is the biggest step toward freedom that I have seen happen in my 4 years here. Believe it or not, women selling other women underwear is a HUGE step! When I moved here, there were only male salesclerks everywhere. Now there are females working in grocery stores, many shops in the malls, and other businesses. I know it doesn't sound like much of a development and it didn't come about without some screaming by the religious establishment along the way, but my heart leaps with joy when I see women here working. Economically Saudi Arabia could not continue down the same road by denying half its population the chance to help support their families and at the same time keeping their earnings here. Foreign workers generally spend very little of their earnings here in KSA, sending most of it to their families back home.

  11. Nice to see you Susie -- I know it's repetitive at this point, but you're looking really well and the cut suits you! It's really fresh and natural-looking (or artfully tousled!) :) Going off to read the interview now....

  12. Susie, re: your last comment to Bigstick -- has it only been four years that you have been there? I have been an expat for five years now, and I was reading your blog at least a year before I moved abroad. I guess I will have to go back and check out your earlier entries. I never cease to be amazed by your wonderful stories and also with your fortitude in remaining in KSA. There is so much for you to balance -- marriage, your son, your own wishes and hopes... I will continue to read and appreciate your journey, and always wish you well. Thank you!

  13. nice writing&photographs

  14. Hi Susie,

    Can you please update the link to Jeddah Blog in this post when possible? The link to Jeddah Blog is now and the link to your interview is

    Thanks very much !

