
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Check it Out! Newsline Magazine Article on Bloggers

I am pleased to direct you to an article written by Naima Rashid in Newsline Magazine in which I am one of three western female bloggers who are married to men from Saudi Arabia.  The article is entitled "Exotic Paradox: Expats Blog in Saudi Arabia."

The first highlighted blogger is Carol Fleming, also known as American Bedu.  I am the second blogger, and the third one is Laylah who writes Blue Abaya.

Naima is an excellent writer with a vocabulary and flair for writing that I can only dream of.  She has also written about me before in an article for Jeddah Blog called "Susie Says," which also features some of my watercolor paintings.

The article on the website for Newsline Magazine may take a little while to come up - I don't know what the problem is, but I just wanted to warn you, just in case you have trouble accessing it. 


  1. Susie, that is quite an article and confirms the impact blogs can have. Now I have to start reading all three. Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Lori - I know you will also enjoy American Bedu's and Blue Abaya's blogs! Happy New Year to you too!

  2. Excellent article highlighting you three distinctly different yet all amazing women. I hope this opens the way for more women in Saudi to express themselves.

    1. Why, thank you, Gaelyn! There are certainly many more Saudi women bloggers now than when I first started a few short years ago.
