
Thursday, January 31, 2013

SAUDI ARABIA: Boredom + Lack of Activities = Unacceptable Behavior & Stupid Choices

A big problem that exists in Saudi Arabia is the lack of  activities for the youth here.  As a result, many young men end up creating their own forms of "fun."  I felt sickened and angry when I saw this video of these young Saudi bullies who seemingly have no respect for others or the property of others. 


  1. they bully foreigners and innocent worker they can't do that to a Saudi person those people are sick , and this is example of what foreigners workers face every day here

    1. I know, Mohamed - you are absolutely right. Foreign workers here are mistreated and disrespected every day by many Saudis. It's a sad situation. Thanks for your comment.

  2. this disgusts me

  3. Why is mixing the sexes a vice, but this kind of activity not?

    1. Good question, Jerry. And why does the Saudi police continue to allow this to happen? It goes on every day and only seems to get more and more reckless.

  4. Having just raised kids here- I have to say I don't much buy the "bored" argument although it would be very nice if they had more and better organized activities. But really. If you are in school and take it seriously at all. Develop one hobby (foreign language, musical instrument etc) stay well read and have one sport/physical activity- how do you have time to be bored? Especially the boys. It is restrictive and not as organized as say the US but there is opportunity.

    1. Hi Sandy - I know the issue is a lot more complicated with some Saudi youth than just boredom and lack of activities. If you throw in lack of parental involvement, too much time on their hands, irresponsibility without consequences, lack of motivation especially in males, etc., we have our recipe for misbehavior and disaster. Of course this doesn't apply to all, but we see this type of stuff happening so frequently in KSA - and they are putting innocent lives in danger. I just wish something would be done about it.

  5. Oh my that is shocking. Vary scary.

  6. Susie, the first 2 minutes were enough for me. What a total waste of time. These are a bunch of spoiled brats, and a good enough reason for me to never live in a society structured such as this one. I had some knowledge of the place from about 10 years ago when I had relatives living there. But to actually see the foolishness added to what is already known, world-wide, about the society is an insult to an ancient and supposedly advanced culture. I see no evidence of that. As that country runs out of oil and other energy sources take over, we will see a real and radical decline in this culture. It cannot stand on such inequities

  7. This is so not acceptable! Well, it shouldn't be! Honestly, I live in Saudi, but I have so much H.W. to do, I never have time to feel bored!
