
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Update on American Bedu

I've written about my friend and fellow blogger, Carol Fleming Al-Ajroush, "American Bedu," many times.    American Bedu is the most widely read blog about Saudi Arabia, with her daily posts providing invaluable information, interviews, and advice about the country, the culture, and its people.

Carol worked for the US government in a highly classified capacity, under the guise of being an American diplomat, when in actuality, she worked for the CIA as an American spy.  But when cupid's arrow struck her in the heart, she chucked her intelligence career to be with the love of her life, a Saudi career diplomat, Abdullah Al-Ajroush.  Carol moved to Abdullah's native Saudi Arabia with him to live happily ever after.  She began writing her renowned blog American Bedu and settled into wedded bliss in this rugged land rich in history and mystery. Her unique story is being revealed in a soon-to-be-released documentary about her life.  

But their fairy tale ending was short-lived.  After just a few short years, both Carol and Abdullah were diagnosed with cancer in 2008 - she with breast cancer and he with a very rare and aggressive form of acute leukemia.  They both fought their diseases valiantly, but Abdullah lost his battle in February of 2010.  Carol picked up the pieces of her shattered life and has pressed on, but I am very sad to report that right now it appears as though her breast cancer is winning.

Carol's prognosis is dismal.  She does not have much time left here on this earth and requires round the clock care.  AND THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN.  You can help.  You can help by contributing to a fund set up for Carol to provide this costly care for her in her final days.  Please donate if you can.  She has given so much of herself and never faltered in her mission to bridge the gap in understanding the Muslim world and Saudi Arabia.  Please show her how much she has been appreciated by all of us by making a donation.  Thank you.


You might enjoy reading ...
My interview on American Bedu

My son Adam's interview on American Bedu


  1. May Allah ease her suffering and grant patience to her family at this difficult time ameen

  2. Oh gosh, such a sad story of bravery and love.

  3. Thank you very much Susie of Arabia!
    No doubt all misoladiridad with Carol!

  4. I wish I were in the position to donate. But I want to donate some words of reflection. How wonderful that the two of them had a chance to be together and that she was able to live a love-filled life for a few years.

    I enjoy your blog, Susie. And you are such a nice commenter on the blogs of so many others. My guess is that you are a good friend to Carol.
