
Friday, January 22, 2010

Family Picture


  1. I bet it is confusing....congrats on your interview...

  2. Hi Susie!
    Love your blog. I am a convert to islam and I wear niqab and thought I would comment on this entry. I know looking at a picture of women in niqab seems strange, maybe even silly if not weird. However, when it comes to picture taking, women can remove the niqab if they are certain men will not see the pictures (non-mahrams, men they cannot marry such as their sons, husband, uncles, etc). I personally would prefer not to take my picture if its in a public place and im wearing niqab, instead id take a picture without myself in it. We live in a world where everything is technology based and cameras and picture taking have become apart of our daily lives. Before cameras were invented women never had to worry about being photographed. Another thing i thought I would add is that niqab and abayah does not need to be black. I find it sexist that saudi men get to wear white which is cooling to the skin while women are required to wear black which reflects the sun and makes the women feel hotter.
    Anyway, congradulations on your interview!

  3. i can tell my niqabi sisters apart just by their walk, and mannerisms.

  4. It has to be very confusing. I am still getting used to it here in Kuwait. I have flashes of fear as I see someone in all black approaching out of my peripheal vision. Then I remember I am not in the U.S. Let me ask this, is it acceptable for me to say "Hello" in Arabic to a women in an Abiya?

  5. It has to be very confusing. I am still getting used to it here in Kuwait. I have flashes of fear as I see someone in all black approaching out of my peripheal vision. Then I remember I am not in the U.S. Let me ask this, is it acceptable for me to say "Hello" in Arabic to a women in an Abiya?

  6. Hi Ladies - I just thought it was humorous so I posted it!

    To Crystal - If a woman here is obviously looking at me, I will smile and say hello. If you want to say hello to a woman, it's okay. You may get no response at all many times though.

  7. hehehe

    I guess is difficult to recognize who is who...

    By the way susie, very nice picture of you on the blog's side, look superb!

  8. funny way to look at things,

    but i must say this is a Photoshop edited!

    but it's BRILLIANT!

  9. Hey, I had an idea after reading your interview on American Bedu. I would love for you to come visit us in Kuwait if you'd like to get away close to home. I truly mean this we have a big house and more than enough room. We could go to movies, shopping and out to lunch : ) I knoe this is weird, a total stranger inviting you over. We would love to welcome you into our home. Blessings to you~

  10. Hey, I had an idea after reading your interview on American Bedu. I would love for you to come visit us in Kuwait if you'd like to get away close to home. I truly mean this we have a big house and more than enough room. We could go to movies, shopping and out to lunch : ) I knoe this is weird, a total stranger inviting you over. We would love to welcome you into our home. Blessings to you~

  11. This shot has been knocking around the internet for several years now, but it's still funny :-)
    I have a fridge mafnet from when I was in the Magic Kingdom; the picture is of a woman in abaya & niqab, with a photographer kneeling down & saying "now give me that come hither look!"

  12. I once saw a cartoon of a fully veiled woman holding a photo and showing it to another fully veiled woman. In the photo were about 30 girls/women in full veiling with only the eyes showing. Under the women it said "school picture". The one woman holding the photo is pointing to one of the women in the lineup of 30 women and says to the other "This is me right here." i don't know why but that struck me as so funny! I guess because everyone looked identical. I love this photo Susie and I imagine it would be difficult to know who is who long after the photo is taken.

  13. I just can't help smiling each time I see this. :)

  14. I guess they could tell each other apart by the purses. I could pick out my purse in a picture.

    I give women who dress like this credit for having more endurance than I have. Heat *really* bothers me - too much and I can get sick.

    Can't imagine how I'd function wearing one of those outfits on extremely hot days!!


  15. Sorry, but ermmm, the man was taking picture of his four wives and their maid...


  16. Funny! Made me lol ... Thanks for the Humour. ;)

  17. It rely amaze me how much you take every chance to bash on our society. If it make you more at place to be in society where drugs are sold in the streets and girls have to sell them self to be able to go to colleague. If that is true why stay just go place that you fever.

    Please remember that we are very different and complex society .it is very hard to people who has not lived hear form chilled to understand. I rember when read the interview of you Canadian friend , she mention some example of racism. Although I agree the in some part of Saudi Arabia we do have some forms of racism but the don’t reveal the self on this form on the other hand they come into the front in issue of marriage for example your daughters and sone may not get married to some one who is an original Arab that mean some one who can affiliate him self to a tribe.

    For example , in Saudi Arabia we have people who are originally not Arab they decent from Africa , east Europe , far Asia . those are considered as (110 volt) the original Arabs are considered (220 volts ) . 220 and 110 don’t usually get married, be careful now, it not the religion it is the tradition and you don’t need to worry because in jedahh most people are (110) mebe (85%) so don’t worry about you doters getting married. This is very sensitive issue and you don’t need to speak about it because a persone could look like normal Saudi but cant associate him self with any Arabian tripe that means he decanted from some place that is not Arabia.

  18. A bitter smile for this picture

  19. A bitter smile for this picture

  20. To Anon on Feb.17 -
    It's a shame that you cannot see the humor in this post and instead choose to take offense to it. I think one of the problems in this world is that some people take themselves way too seriously. For you to say that I take every chance I can to bash this society tells me that you obviously have not read much of my blog. I have written many wonderful posts about this country, trying to educate outsiders about its many wonders.
    If you think that drugs are not available here on the streets and that there are no whores here, then you are really in denial about your country.
    The tribal mentality here supports racism whether you want to admit it or not. And I am not the one who talked about this; I published someone else's words. I myself have never talked about racism in this country on my blog, although it is obvious to me that it exists. I am very aware of being respectful of this culture and take care not to offend. What really amazes me is the little things that some people will take offense to and don't have the capacity to see humor in a situation and laugh at themselves.
    Thank you for your comment - I would suggest that you read my past posts before accusing me of Saudi-bashing.
