
Friday, January 22, 2010

Read My Interview on AMERICAN BEDU!

I am honored to announce that I have been interviewed by my friend and fellow blogger, CAROL, also known as AMERICAN BEDU.

AMERICAN BEDU's blog provides invaluable information about living in Saudi Arabia - thought-provoking educational posts. Carol gave up her lifelong diplomatic career when she married her Saudi husband several years ago. She has lived and traveled all over the world and has a great understanding of people and cultures.

A short while ago I did a post asking for prayers for Carol and her husband, who are in a battle for their lives as they each simultaneously and courageously fight cancer. In the face of her illness and her exhausting treatment, Carol continues to blog. She is a remarkable woman and a true inspiration.

AMERICAN BEDU also featured an interview with my son Adam (Captain Kabob) several months ago, offering a transplanted teenager's viewpoint about living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I'd like to thank Carol for the distinction of being interviewed on AMERICAN BEDU.

I hope you will click over now to AMERICAN BEDU to read my straightforward interview.


  1. i have read it, it's as candid and eye opening as always. loved it :)

  2. very insightful interview and of course for those of us following your blog regularly we know what you've given up...A LOT.
    hugs to you.

  3. Thanks for the honor!

    Love ya - Bedu

  4. Susie, as always, I so admire your candidness. Plus the great advice to other women considering this kind of move. I just couldn't do it. Great interview.

  5. Salam,
    I could not find your email on your blog. I want to send you a personal message.

    Thank you Sister.

  6. Thanks, Everyone!

    My email is:
