
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Where is Khaled?

The planned "Day of Rage" which was set for March 11, 2011, in Saudi Arabia was squelched due to a humongous police presence and threats of prison and loss of Saudi citizenship. In an attempt to subdue protests like those seen in many other countries in the Middle East region the past few months, billions of dollars worth of financial aid in social benefits was offered up by the Saudi government as a bandaid to try to assuage any discontent. How much of the billions of dollars in this package will actually reach its intended targets is questionable in a country where corruption is rampant and those responsible for it are not held accountable. More than likely, much of this money will wind up lining the pockets of those entrusted with disbursing it as it has in the past.

Khaled Mohammed is one very brave man. He is a Saudi teacher and father of four who has not been seen or heard from since he spoke out on March 11, expressing his desire for freedom and democracy. He knew he would be hauled off to jail after he spoke out. There are many people in Saudi Arabia who want the same things that Khaled does but who are afraid to let their voices be heard. A government that bullies its citizens into silence in this manner is only in denial about the pressure cooker of problems brewing beneath the surface.

The video has English subtitles.

A Facebook page has been erected for Khaled. Please click "LIKE" to show your support.


  1. I haven't heard of this Susie if not for this post. Khaled is an incredibly brave young man who only wants to express his opinion freely, and now he is nowhere to be found? This is so sad if indeed the government has a hand in his disappearance. He has to be returned back to his family especially that he has an autistic child.

  2. You can't keep good people down. Wonder how long they can keep the lid on this boiling pot. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Yet another political outrage of the world. I'm glad to see you getting this out Susie.

    Hope you are well.

  4. Wow, that is so sad! I really hope he is safe :( I can't imagine ever being in his situation (living with an oppressive government)...

  5. Hope the Saudi Govt remains! sure they have problems but they are definitely the better option to a Democratic westernised government!

  6. I am praying for Khaled's return. So sad. Unfortunately Saudi Arabia is not the only countr where we see this. There are so many more silenced voices all over the world and I pray that they be heard soon.

  7. I've been following this brave man since I saw his interview in BBC; I hope he's well and not being tortured or abused for his political views.

  8. any news about this brave man? I fear the worst... :(

    I hope he return to fredom
