
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Can Muslims be Good Americans?

In this short video segment from Anderson Cooper's show, a woman expresses her opinion about Muslims in America not being able to be good citizens because of their religious beliefs. Four of the stars of the show "All-American Muslim" are panelists and respond to the woman's statements.

If you missed the first episode of "All-American Muslims," which aired this past Sunday evening, you can catch a re-airing of the first episode tonight on TLC (The Learning Channel). New episodes of "All-American Muslims" are shown on TLC on Sunday evenings, and are reshown on Mondays and Thursdays.


  1. Wow, how depressing. I know there are people out there that feel the way the woman in the audience does, but I guess having never encountered it, I was trying to pretend it was only the weird backward hicks only. Sad.

  2. I don't understand her position of boycotting the show. She has no desire to try to further her understanding of Muslims. It just shows her ignorance has no bounds.

  3. Salaam, I m quite disturbed and really hurt when the woman commented about prophet Muhammad s.a.w. she said that he was a murder and a child phaedophile? She sould not just blurted it all out and did not even say sorry for giving that rude remarks.

    What even made me upset was when the woman in white hijab and all other panelists did not reply to her rude remarks about prophet Muhammad s.a.w They should correct her nicely, emphasizing that prophet Muhammad s.a.w was not like what has been stated by her.

    But, it is a good show, provided that the this could clear misconceptions about Islam.

  4. I agree. I think the panelists should have taken her to task for the stupid and disrespectful things she said. They really should have addressed it - it was the perfect opportunity to clarify some of those issues but they didn't.

  5. I saw the first episode of All American Muslim and I have to say... I'm hooked!

    The woman in the audience needs to get over herself. You don't like the show, don't watch it, but allow others to form their own opinions.

    I'm rooting for the show! :-)

  6. I heard a very interesting quote one time, relayed by my husband. I believe it has a lot of history behind it and originates in the MIddle East (possibly with a prophet or imam).

    You can not debate with an ignorant or unintelligent person. They never recognize when they are losing, and always think they will win.

  7. These moslems can only have such half-hearted beliefs about Islam because they live in the west. They could not do that if they lived in any Islamic country, especially in Saudi Arabia. The women on the right with a short dress, uncovered arms, no hijab could never dress like that in saudi and many other moslem countries. She would be arrested in ksa. Where in the koran does it say that women must wear hijab? Please show the surah.

    Moslems all believe that Islam and sharia is above manmade law do they not? That means they cannot respect the American constitution or any secular law. This is what the woman was saying. Either you are a good moslem and follow everything in the koran or you are not.

    In France and other parts of the west moslems refuse to obey secular laws such as those against the veil. This is a serious problem.

    Mohammed, a man well into his fifties married Aisha, then a girl of 6 and had sex with her when she was nine years old. He died when Aisha was eighteen. She was his favorite wife. This is well documented.

    In the modern world, anyone who has sex with a child under the age of majority, which in most cases is eighteen, is considered a paedophile. Most countries prosecute paedophiles.

    Why is it legal for children to be married to old, very old men in the moslem world? There have been lots of such stories. Some of the poor girls even got away from their husbands. Others died from sexual abuse.

    How many of you defending everything that mohamed did would like your daughter to be married to an old man at the age of six and to have sex by the time she is nine?

  8. It makes me sad that (American) Muslims are still trying to 'prove' themselves; that they are still subjected to this kind of narrow minded thinking. To be honest, I fear the attitude of intolerance by that woman in the audience far more than any Muslim individual I may encounter.

    I relocated to another (western) country 10 years ago from the US. We lived in a predominantly Moroccan/Turkish neighborhood for quite some time. The most kindness I experienced while getting my bearings so to speak were from my Muslim neighbors- far more than the 'anglo citizens'. It was them, not the non-Muslims, that welcomed me into their homes, helped me learn the language, comforted me when I was homesick. I still have dear friends from those days that I can't imagine living without. We were invited to weddings, celebrations and evenings for dinners- all we saw was love of family, and willingness to help one another out. From both men and women! No religion or set of beliefs is perfect, but enough of this blanket negativity and judgement.

  9. @anonymous
    What is it with you fundamentilists always harping on Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) marrying Aisha when she was 9. Is this is the only thing you got to throw on us.

    Ok let me tell you a fact if you wanna hear it, Mary the mother of Jesus was herself betrothed to Joseph when she was 12 and and had Jesus when she was 13. Now do you wanna call Joseph a pedophile (god forbid) or do you wanna accuse god himself of forcing Mary to bear a child when she was 12?

    You gotta get this into your greasy head that 1000 years back things were different it was a acceptable for older men to marry younger girls, and today we are all educated enough not to allow such practices.

    In fact just 50- 100 years back American Baptist Christians justified Black Slavery and Segregation by using the "Noah's Curse of Ham" as in Genesis 9:20-27. But unlike i am not here to accuse the entire christian nation or Christianity like you, because i was taught better and know better.

    So rather i would suggest you go back to your bigotted mentors and get something new and come back.

  10. "These moslems can only have such half-hearted beliefs about Islam because they live in the west."

    My "half-hearted" belief is better than any version of Islam that you apparently have.

    "They could not do that if they lived in any Islamic country..."

    There is no such thing as an Islamic country in our current world.

    "Where in the koran does it say that women must wear hijab? Please show the surah."

    You can be shown the surah many times, but will still refuse to believe that it says for a woman to cover her self and be modest. So, let's not keep fighting on this subject.

    "Moslems all believe that Islam and sharia is above manmade law do they not? That means they cannot respect the American constitution or any secular law..."

    I believe the law of God is above secular law. Just like Jews and Christians believe God's laws are above secular law. But I do not expect others to follow those laws. It is their choice, just like it is my choice to follow those laws. So far, none of those God rules seem to put me at odds with the secular laws of my country. It is a non-issue.

    "In France and other parts of the west moslems refuse to obey secular laws such as those against the veil. This is a serious problem..."

    Really? Couldn't you give a better example of Muslims breaking secular law? I think it is a "serious" problem that government is dictating what a women can/cannot wear since that should be a personal choice (just as it is in religion, a choice).

    "Mohammed, a man well into his fifties married Aisha, then a girl of 6 and had sex with her when she was nine years old. He died when Aisha was eighteen..."

    And so was the way for the whole world at that time. Oh, how we overlook all of the other prophets and their wives when this topic comes up.

    "In the modern world, anyone who has sex with a child under the age of majority, which in most cases is eighteen, is considered a paedophile. Most countries prosecute paedophiles."

    I think you are mistaking the word "pedophile" with statutory rape. And, statutory rape is determined by law and differs from country to country. Society determines what age is acceptable for sex and marriage.

    "Why is it legal for children to be married to old, very old men in the moslem world? "

    It is not ok, and it is not normal or healthy as is our societal standards in the 21st century.

    "How many of you defending everything that mohamed did would like your daughter to be married to an old man at the age of six and to have sex by the time she is nine?"

    Honestly? If I lived during the time of any prophet, I would love to be the dirt that he walked on let alone consider that my child might want to marry him. But that is not my fortune. It doesn't matter if I was alive then or now, I would never allow my daughter to marry against her will.


  11. The most important thing is to be good men or good women. People are just persons. Nationality is just a feature. We are important because we are humans. Everybody, in any country of the world, should respect diversity of customs and freedom. I'm from Barcelona but I think that freedom lives in the heart of american people.

  12. ‪Abu Abdullah‬ said.
“What is it with you fundamentilists always harping on Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) marrying Aisha when she was 9. Is this is the only thing you got to throw on us.”
    Actually, it is not the only thing. History does not treat Islam well because Islam is a war ideology bent on conquering the world via violence.

    Nice try to put those who tell the truth into a category, however I am not a fundamentalist or any sort of religionist. I do not believe that Mary had the literal son of God. All people are the children of God, if one believes in a god. Many people do not. Islam states that those who do not accept their allah must be killed. Islam states that those who are apostates must be killed. What sort of a god is this allah who demands so much bloodshed? Where is this “Islam is Peace” stuff?

    What always stuns me is Muslims defending mohamed the warrior, the slaver, the guy who murdered his male enemies and enslaved their wives and children. This is their role model. The “perfect” man whom they seek to emulate. They want to be the dirt that he walked on?

    If every Muslim behaved as mohamed did, the world would be in an even more sorry place than it is today. The Islamist terrorist follow to the letter the deeds of mohamed and how he lived his life.

    Slavery in history of the US has nothing to do with anything. America fought a war over slavery. The slavers lost. Slavery is illegal. Except that it continues to exist in the Arab world. The Arabs were some of the biggest slavers in history. Visit Africa sometime and see the Arab slave trade ports.

    The Koran stating that women should cover their “ornaments” and be modest is a great deal different than forcing women to wear black garments because moslem males cannot control their sexual urges like all other normal men in all the rest of the world can.

    Many a terrorist has worn the female veil to murder his brothers and sisters. That is enough reason to ban the veil throughout the world!

    It is erroneous to claim that all peoples took wives before these reached puberty. This is a particular moslem custom, one that is still adhered to today, because mohamed took a wife when she was six and had intercourse with her when she was nine, 9, the girl was nine. There are lots of stories in moslem papers about little girls TODAY being forced to marry, being sold to old, old men. Then these old men rape the girls. Many die as a result. Such stories are in the papers all the time.

    I am all for respecting diversity, but paedophilia and misogyny is where I draw the line. Apparently all too many moslems do not have a problem with these.

    Quite frankly a veiled woman offends me. Those who wish to veil should live in an Islamic land. There are plenty of those. Go for it!

    Can “real” moslems be good Americans. No! Because Islam discriminates against women, discriminates against non-moslems, discriminates against the “wrong” sort of Muslims, discriminates against Jews and so on. Islam claims to be superior to human secular law. For that it must be rejected. I would not want to live as moslems are forced to do under discriminatory sharia law.

    Those who feel islam is above the US Constitution should live in the lands of Islam.

  13. hmmm. interesting. I know SO many Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, that consider God's laws above US secular law, and yet there doesn't seem to be an issue with that... Is it just that they don't have a fancy, exotic name for it?

    Also, should nun's live in "Islamic land"? Do they not veil? What about Catholics that wear a veil in church? or Orthodox Christians and Jews that cover whenever they are in public? Or, is it just the "way" they cover? Or is it the fact that so many women choose to do it despite the fact that no one is making them? Now, that must be scary, women choosing something that other's may not want them to do! God forbid...

    Quite frankly, it offends me that people care so much about what I and my fellow females wear. Leave us alone already. The fundamentalists on both sides are sickening.
    Islam doesn't discriminate against women, people do.

    I thought being Muslim in America would be a blessing because the Government and others could not force me to practice my religion in a certain way.

    The only people discriminating against me, or trying to oppress me now are non-Muslims who think that I am oppressed and discriminated against. So ironic!

    American, Muslim, Female, and "veiled". I am not sorry, but I don't see a problem with this combination. Which is how I know that I am a "good" American.

  14. ‪Anonymous‬ said...
    “ I know SO many Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, that consider God's laws above US secular law, and yet there doesn't seem to be an issue with that... Is it just that they don't have a fancy, exotic name for it? ‪Anonymous‬ said…”

    It is not an issue because these people are not terrorizing the world in the name of their religion. They are not insisting that all people must live under their discriminatory religious laws. They are not donning women’s clothing and blowing up schools, markets and places of worship as “pious” Muslims are.
    “Also, should nun's live in "Islamic land"? Do they not veil? What about Catholics that wear a veil in church? or Orthodox Christians and Jews that cover whenever they are in public? Or, is it just the "way" they cover? Or is it the fact that so many women choose to do it despite the fact that no one is making them? Now, that must be scary, women choosing something that other's may not want them to do! God forbid... “

    If someone were going to harass or attack or stone women for not dressing as they say they should, you bet these would be wearing a big, black sack.

    You obviously have never seen or met a modern nun. Most do not wear veils or ancient nuns’ habits. In point of fact, virtually the only nuns who are veiled are very old women who are cloistered. Most nuns today wear business suits that show their hair, neck, arms and legs. All things for which they could get arrested in Saudi and a number of other moslem lands. The business suit is simply not modest enough for moslems.

    “Quite frankly, it offends me that people care so much about what I and my fellow females wear. Leave us alone already. The fundamentalists on both sides are sickening. 
Islam doesn't discriminate against women, people do.”

    Most people do not give a damn what anyone wears, least of all moslems. It is moslems who seem to care and want to force everyone into their mold. Islam DOES, most certainly discriminate against women who in KSA, the pinnacle of Islam, cannot do anything at all, including leave their homes without permission of a male guardian. Women cannot drive, be educated, marry, shop, travel—whatever without a mahram. Susie shows us this all the time.

    In most of the moslem world women are the PROPERTY of men. Men buy women with the bride price. Men can and do, do absolutely whatever they want with their women including murder them for “honor.” The legal testimony of women under sharia is worth HALF that of a man. If a woman is raped she must produce 4 male witnesses or be accused of adultery. There is such a case right now in Afghanistan. The woman was raped and SHE is considered the criminal who will be forced to marry her rapist to “restore” her family’s honor 

    “I thought being Muslim in America would be a blessing because the Government and others could not force me to practice my religion in a certain way. 

The only people discriminating against me, or trying to oppress me now are non-Muslims who think that I am oppressed and discriminated against. So ironic! “

    What a crock! Why don’t you move to an islamic land and see oppressed you feel as a woman? No one oppresses you in the States!

    If you veil then you are NOT a good American. America is about EQUALITY. You choose inequality. Therefore, you should live in an islamic land.

    YOU offend and have really got a screw loose if you veil and try to shove your islamic supremacism into the faces of the world. You go against the Constitution, democracy and everything that America stands for because you enslave yourself and yet want to show us all how superior you are with your 7th century religion. You revere a man who was a war monger, a slaver, a rapist, a pedophile. In today’s world such a man would be an international criminal who would be tried in the Hague, and not some “beloved prophet” or should one say “profit”? Because that was what he was all about—profit for Islam.

  15. Here is a couple of my thoughts particular as it pertains to the conversation of the blogs:
    1st - There is no known age for Jesus' mother. No documentation can be found to substantiate any age at all only that she was a young woman. For that matter, there is no known documentation on Joseph's age as well.
    2nd - The virgin birth is controversial to a lot of Christians. Many Christians have problems with it. In fact, this year the NIV Bible has changed virgin to young maiden as this is believed the more accurate rendering of the word. I believe the verse changed is Isaiah 7:14 to predict that the messiah will be born to a "young women" instead of virgin. The gospels were written between 50 to 90 years after the death of Jesus. Scholars have varying theories on why these gospels were written in the manner that they were.
    3rd - Many don't believe Jesus was the sole child. The gospels says he was the first born. Why reference this if he was the only child. First born implies additional children born from Mary. It also talks of brothers and sisters.
    4th - There is no known picture of Mary. There is only artistic renditions. In other words someone painted Mary based upon their thought of what she looked like. There is no way of knowing exactly what type of clothing she wore from day to day. It is only speculation based upon what scholars believed the dress style was during that time frame for her culture. I hate it when Muslims tell Christians but look at Jesus' mother Mary and how she dressed. Stop it. No one knows for sure.
    5. There are some Christians that don't think that Jesus was the son of God literally. They think that all mankind are the children of God. Jesus never actually said he was the son of God. He said he was the "son of man" according to the gospels.
    6. Catholic nuns first are married to the church. They are agents of the church and seek to live life in total dedication to the church and theology. To identify these women , nuns, who were dedicated to the church they wear habits. Today, nuns for the most part do not wear the habit. Catholic women who were not nuns did not wear the habit.

    Again, some of the statements I have provided is based on what some christians or scholars have written. It is not a blanket statement for all christians.

    Can Muslims be good Americans? Absolutely, they can. Do they have extremist in their religion? Absolutely, but so does other religions.

  16. Wow, that womans ignorance floors me... and its even more scary how many people out there think just like her only they won't admit it! I love the show, and cannot believe advertisers continue to pull from the show. Very sad, and makes me feel like the US may not be "home" for our family much longer. I don't want my daughter to grow up in a place full of uneducated bigots.

