
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Selamta Magazine Article

I am pleased to direct you to an article I wrote for the 2nd edition of the beautiful Selamta Magazine, Ethiopian Airlines' new in-flight magazine.

The magazine's 2012 September-October issue features my article called "The Amazing Sculptures of Jeddah," along with several of my photos, on pages 62-63.

It can be viewed online in webpage format or as it appears in the printed magazine.   You can click on the article to enlarge it so it is more easily readable.


  1. Congratulations on being published. Your pics and writing are superb. Keep it up, Susie. You have the gift and we all benefit from it.

    1. Thanks, Elise. The editor I worked with was truly outstanding, and she just drew it all out of me! So I must thank Diane McDougall of Selamta Magazine for her assistance and guidance.

  2. Right on Susie and Congrats! Have always enjoyed you posts about the sculptures.

    1. Thank you, Gaelyn! Anyone who knows me knows I am passionate about the sculptures of Jeddah!

  3. Nice article and photos, mashaa Allaah.

    1. Thanks, Hajar - I am thrilled to be included in this beautiful magazine.

  4. Congratulations excellent article.

    I was wondering given your location if you could possibly touch on the issues surrounding the transformation of mecca and the alledged holy site. What is the reaction from the locals on the transformation of this site and what many are calling a destruction of archeological historical sites and ancient artworks? I have heard it is becoming know as the Holy (New Las Vegas) Site minus alcohol/pork products unless you have wasta.

    So I was wondering if there is a concern regarding what is being reported as destruction of the ancient sites as well as what some articles are reporting as a new tourist/New Las Vegas with twist? In addition, if you feel the transformation is a positive or a negative or if it is commericializing a product which diminishes the ultimate message.

    As always curious.

    1. Hi Bigstick - Thanks so much for your comment. I must admit that I have heard grumblings about the transformation of Mecca with its unquestionably Las Vegas style atmosphere. Many of the new glitzy hotels that surround the holy mosque there are financially out of reach for many Muslims making Hajj or Omra. The solemnity and the spirituality seem to have been lost in the shuffle. I understand the need to expand and create a safe and efficient place for millions of Muslims to flock to every year. It is sad that it seems to have become just another tourist trap in many ways.
      I am not prepared to comment about the destruction of historical sites right now. I don't have enough information about it, however I have heard of the disappointment of many and the feeling that enough has not been done to preserve this part of Saudi and Islamic history.

  5. Susie, that is better than perhaps any airline magazine article I've ever read! Thank you.

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Angel! I'm so glad you enjoyed it - Thanks so much!

  7. Susie! Terrific article and pictures. Great to see a new and very special post. Hope all is well!

  8. Great work, Susie and a big compliment to your words and beautiful photography! I love the sculptures in KSA cities! It was something I wasn't expecting to see.
