
Friday, October 12, 2012

2012 Day of the Girl and a Young Hero

First of all, my apologies for not updating my blog very much at all lately. I've just been sad since my mom passed away in July and I have not been in the mood for writing. I am preparing to return to KSA soon and have enjoyed being in the midst of my family in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Today is the first international "Day of the Girl," a United Nations movement which "speaks out against gender bias and advocates for girls’ rights everywhere" - working hard around the world to eliminate such backward cultural norms like forced child marriages and banning education for girls.

Malala Yousafzai,14 year old Pakistani girl shot by Taliban

Fourteen-year-old Malala Yousafzai is the recipient of Pakistan's first National Peace Prize, honored for her outspoken opposition to the prominent Taliban presence in her country. Three years ago, she began writing a blog for the BBC about living under the Taliban's control and her desire for an education for herself and all other girls of Pakistan. Her voice was instrumental in ousting the Taliban from the Swat Valley where she resides with her family.

On October 9, 2012, two gunmen stopped the girls' school bus Malala was riding home on after school. They demanded to know which of the girls was Malala and threatened to shoot all the girls on the bus if she did not reveal herself to them. She identified herself and was promptly shot twice, in the head and the neck. Two other girls on the bus were also wounded. The Taliban have claimed credit for the cowardly attack and have also vowed to kill Malala and her family if she survives.

In Pakistan, the attack has sparked outrage and has elevated Malala's status as a courageous hero and an iconic symbol for gender equality and education.

What I find most disturbing is that these thugs justify their actions under the guise of religion. Islam stresses the importance of education for both men and women. There is no religion on earth that would advocate shooting a little girl because she wants an education.

The video below is from MSNBC's October 10th broadcast of The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell. The segment is his commentary about the shooting of Malala.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
For more reading about Malala and the Day of the Girl:
Malala and the First International Day of the Girl 
Preventing Child Brides Is Goal on UN Day of Girl Child
Dying to Learn


  1. Wow, that is one powerful story of a determined girl. I pray for Malala.

    And for you also. Be well, and safe journey.

    1. Thank you, Gaelyn. I heard today that Malala has a 50-70% chance of surviving and that the next 48 hours are critical.

  2. This is all too sad and shocking for words.

    But I'm glad you have surfaced again, Susie. Wishing you all the best in your difficult time of grief.

    1. Hi, Dina - and thank you. Very stressful times we live in.

  3. I can not understand how such terrible things are made in name of religion

  4. Al Jazeera replayed a story they did about her in 2009 on Witness. It is probably still running this week if anyone is interested.
    The Taliban are bullies and bullies are the biggest cowards. Why else would they think a young a beautiful girl could be a threat to them. They have achieved a good thing in as much as they have the "Muslim World" up in arms and united in condemnation of such an act.

    1. Thank you for bringing this documentary to my attention. I have made a post featuring it.

  5. Assalamualaikum.

    Please EVERYONE do this ....

    US govt. is holding a Public poll to initiate and implement a law against the disrespect of Prophets.
    Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam,
    Nabi Esa Alaihisalam,
    and Nabi Musa Alaihisalam.

    Kindly sign that petition, they require 25,000 signitures till 17th October.




    1. The US government is certainly not holding a poll, the whitehouse website does allow people to create petitions. In this case this is something so foreign to American ideals and laws that it will simply go nowhere.

    2. The US govt is not holding a public poll. This is a farce. The United States constitution's very first amendment is freedom of speech and that freedom is extremely broad. Next, it will take more than 25,000 signatures to do anything against the US Constitution as the US is the 5th largest country in the world. Almost all Americas will not stand for it and will stop anyone from messing with that freedom.

  6. The Taliban has been burning girls schools for quite some time and not worrying if they kill anyone. This incident is only a little more than they have been doing. It is a bit hypocritical for people to be up in arms now after having accepted the actions of the Taliban for so long.

    1. In one of our group discussions, someone actually said that the Taliban is a fictional entity made up by the US and that this incident (attempted murder of a little girl) was staged just to make the USA look like heroes. These conspiracy theorists just slay me...

  7. Welcome back Susie of Arabia!! I’m so glad you got back to blogging, have been a regular reader of your posts :)

  8. Hi Susie,

    I just found your most recent post. Little Malala has caused so many women, and men, around the world to stop and think about how we can make things better for the next generation. I wish there were easier solutions.

    I'm sorry to read about your recent loss and hope that your happy memories bring you comfort.

    1. Hi Michaelle - It's good to hear from you. Thank you very much.

  9. Hi Susie, my prayers are with you and yours. I always read your posts and would like to pass my condolences on the passing of your mother. Welcome back xx saida (sf)
