A lthough I may not be a huge fan of organized religion per se, I DO believe in the power of prayer and in miracles. This post is a personal plea from my heart for your prayers for a very special person I greatly admire. The world of my friend and fellow blogger, Carol, who is known in blogging circles as American Bedu, has been turned upside down by illness. But ironically enough, not only is Carol now fighting her second battle with breast cancer in so many years, her husband Abdullah is also in the fight of his life against leukemia.

Carol’s health crisis began less than two years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer after detecting a lump herself through self-examination. She underwent a mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, and took a regimen of aggressive cancer-fighting drugs here in Saudi Arabia. Carol wrote in depth about this intimately personal experience in a candid post on her blog back in July of 2008.

You can read a very detailed account of the health crisis Carol and her husband are facing right now on a recent post she wrote on American Bedu.

For those of you who would like to take it a step further, I know that receiving your comments, cards, or emails of support and best wishes would make a world of difference in Carol’s life right now.
And to any of you who feel compelled to do even more for this courageous woman, a pretty scarf or a unique hat to keep her now bald head warm, or a good book (she LOVES to read!) would definitely brighten her day and lift her spirits! Be creative!
You can email Carol at: admin@americanbedu.com
to get her mailing address if you wish to physically send flowers, scarves, hats, books, or other goodies to her.
Thank you for showing Carol that you care.
Thanks for sharing this. I will visit her blog right now and give her my best wishes.
ReplyDeleteYou should know that she and her husband will always be in my prayers.
It is a tough situation but with friends like you there is hope.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless you for sharing this and appealing to all your many readers for prayers and support. I, like you, believe that the power of prayer can make a difference.
ReplyDeleteI'll keep them in dua's and try to send some wishes her way InshaAllah
Thank you
Oh my...
ReplyDeleteSusie this post made my eyes water :`(
Both my maternal grandmother & aunt succumbed to cancer, so this is a sore subject to think of. I am praying I don't get a call from my own mother saying she has the same... Thank you Susie for bringing Carol's situation to us -- whenever I return to the West I plan to send something (I don't trust the mail service in UAE, due to previous experiences) inshaa'Allah.
Carol and Abdullah, you are both in my thoughts & prayers!!
Susie, Thank you for sharing the status regarding Carol & Abdullah. I also DO BELIEVE in the power of prayer!!! I will begin my part. Blessings Cecilia
ReplyDeleteThey are both in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteThis Dua'a should be said 7 times.
ReplyDelete‘I ask Allaah The Supreme, Lord of the magnificent throne to cure Carol and Abdullah"
ReplyDeleteI will include her and her husband in my prayers. I know they work!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this...
ReplyDeleteThey are both in my prayers.
ReplyDeletethank you so much for sharing this. i read her blog weekly, but I had no idea that she and her husband were going through this.
my husband is in remission from cancer...and letters from family and friends, or little gifts really made a difference in his spirits.
its great that you provided an address where we can all send whatever type of support we can. i'm sure every note ir gift will mean so much to her.
God Bless you Susie! You are such a dear and loving friend and thank you for what you have written about Abdullah and me. We can use all the prayers and support. We are positive individuals and both equally determined to rise to the challenges and win the battle. I truly believe that God does not give us burdens too difficult to carry and insha'allah, Abdullah and I are carrying our burdens with dignity and grace. Cancer is not something to be ashamed of. Yes, it is natural to fear but it is good to discuss and share whether as the patient, the caregiver or even as a concerned friend.
ReplyDeleteHugs and thanks to all,
I will be praying for her and Abdullah too during this tough time. We love you Carol!
ReplyDeleteI just read Carol's post too and was concerned about both of them. My father died of cancer, after battling it for 3 years bravely, so I always get sentimental when I know about a cancer patient and Carol has endeared herself to all her readers through her posts. I pray for both of them to get completely cured and be together again in a happy home.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful friend she has in you Susie, thanks for writing about this, will definitely be sending something soon.
Abu Dhabi
My prays are with them and to all those struggleing with life threatening illnesses..She is lucky to have you Susie..
ReplyDeleteI have learned since our combined illnesses for my husband and I to stop sweating the small stuff and instead be grateful for what we do have and are able to experience.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this...
ReplyDeleteI'll visit her blog...
I know how they feel - my breast cancer operation was 6 months ago (I've written about that on my blog).
I didn't have to go chemo but radiation therapy. Now I eat pills for 5 yrs and they cause hot flashes more than enough. But that's not a big issue. I'm mostly happy and not worry about tomorrow.
Life is good right now!
Have a great day Susie! :)
I have found once I arrived in the US and my relapse was discovered, the doctors here were quite surprised to find that while I had a mastectomy in KSA I did not receive any follow on chemo or radiation but simply prescribed tomoxifin. Then during my follow up checks in the States my doctor discovered my body is resistant to tomoxifin and my cancer had metastasized and spread. I'm not crying over spilled milk as we say but this emphasizes why it is also essential to keep informed and be part of your diagnosis and understand the treatment options too. Don't be shy to ask questions and challenges.
ReplyDeleteThey will both be in my thoughts and prayers. That is so awful for them to both be in aggressive treatment at the same time.
ReplyDeleteSusie: Let us pray that she recovers from this.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I am so touched by Susie and her beautiful kindness and spirit and thank all her lovely followers for the words of support and strength!
ReplyDeleteMy prayers go out to these beautiful people. Shalom.
ReplyDeleteCancer is such a cruel disease. I do hope they both recover and soon.
ReplyDeleteThis is truly heart wrenching. My prayers definitely will be with them.
ReplyDelete:-( ::::::
I felt the need to share with you the story of Jason Bromby, a 28-year-old British diplomat who has gone missing in China. This is very scary. Read more about it:
Spread the word, something needs to be done.
Oh no. I have followed her blog for a year or more but missed this info about her health. And her husband's. Chei.
ReplyDeleteAny way i wish both of them quick recovery and will put them in my prayer.
I learnt a lot from her blog, not just about ksa. Pls get well quick bedu.
And thank you susie for this post.
Mymy from nigeria
I will pray for their soon recovery. I am grateful for the wonderful blog Carol writes.