“In a few days I am going to lose two World Champion titles - one by one. Just because I decided not to go to Saudi Arabia. Not to play by someone's rules, not to wear abaya, not to be accompanied getting outside, and altogether not to feel myself a secondary creature. Exactly one year ago I won these two titles and was about the happiest person in the chess world but this time I feel really bad. I am ready to stand for my principles and skip the event, where in five days I was expected to earn more than I do in a dozen of events combined. All that is annoying, but the most upsetting thing is that almost nobody really cares. That is a really bitter feeling, still not the one to change my opinion and my principles. The same goes for my sister Mariya - and I am really happy that we share this point of view. And yes, for those few who care - we'll be back!” -
Anna Muzychuk
On December 23, 2017, one of the top ranked female chess champions of the world, Anna Muzychuk, made the above
post on her Facebook page, and in the process, made
headlines around the world. To date, her post has been shared over 76,000 times and has garnered over 21,000 comments - comments lavishing praise on her with words like hero, integrity, courage, inspiration, respect, etc.
Overwhelmingly the comments have been made largely in support of her decision, while at the same time slamming Saudi Arabia for its oppression against women. I can’t say for sure, but I am certain almost all of these commenters have never been to Saudi Arabia, just like Anna Muzychuk, and have just based their opinions on what they have been fed by the media.
Anna Muzychuck in March 2017 in Iran |
In all honesty, I had to take a few days to calm myself down before addressing how I felt about Anna and the things she has said. I realize that Anna is just a young, foolish, and naive 27-year-old who is close-minded, gullible, and inflexible. She has maligned Saudi Arabia without ever setting foot here. Worse yet, the methods she used to align her base behind her used inaccuracies and fallacies to further promote negativity and perpetuate misconceptions about this country and its people. The whole thing is extremely Trump-esque – and her panting lapdog fans ate it up like ice cream.
For someone so top-ranked in the cerebral, highly competitive game of chess as she is, Anna betrayed her own intellect by making a really foolish decision this time, both financially and personally.
As the host of the tournament, Saudi Arabia offered up $2million in prize money for the winners. The prize money alone was more than three and a half times MORE than the previous year’s prize winnings. She herself claims in her statement that she was passing up an opportunity to win more than she could have won in more than 12 big tournaments.
So, let’s address these unacceptable issues the principled Anna cited in her post –
1st: “Not to play by someone's rules” – Well, sadly, we all must play by someone else’s rules. Anna knows that when playing chess competitively, there are many rules she must abide by, right? There are different laws in different countries and everyone, citizens and visitors alike, is expected to follow them, right? None of us would be surprised to learn that her parents even enforce rules in their home, where Anna still reportedly lives. A rather hypocritical point, considering everywhere one goes, there are rules.
Riyadh Chess Tournament - Photo Credit: Arab News |
2nd: “Not to wear abaya” – The King Salman World Chess Championships 2017 which Anna boycotted was recently held in Riyadh from Dec. 26-30, and photos from the event clearly show the female competitors wearing modest business attire, and scarves were not required. Technically in Saudi Arabia, as long as a female’s body is covered in loose fitting clothing (hands and face can be exposed), she is actually acceptably attired when out in public in this country. Most women prefer to wear the abaya so as not to draw attention to themselves – simply because that’s what most other women wear out in public. I truthfully love wearing the abaya, especially now that there are so many styles, colors, and fabrics to choose from. It's really a very practical garment, except when it’s hot out. This time of year it’s quite comfortable.
3rd: “Not to be accompanied getting outside” – This may have been a “rule” set out by the chess federation themselves, but it is certainly not a requirement for women in Saudi Arabia. I go out by myself, unaccompanied, all the time. Most women here do. Totally false, Anna.
Saudi women at a mall unaccompanied by a male |
4th: “Not to feel myself a secondary creature” – Anna, you are so far off on this one. You would have been treated here like a princess. You would have had the time of your life. Women in Saudi Arabia are revered and respected, pampered and spoiled. We actually get special treatment. We don’t feel like secondary creatures at all. You may see this as being oppressed, but we sure don’t.
And lastly, here’s her hook: “All that is annoying, but the most upsetting thing is that almost nobody really cares. That is a really bitter feeling, still not the one to change my opinion and my principles.” This is where she whines and plays the “poor me” pity card and rallies the troops behind her. This HUGE sacrifice she is making - and “NObody cares! Boo hoo! Feel sorry for me!” When in reality, she’s the one who made up her mind using flawed logic and tunnel vision to forgo a possible cash windfall and to lose out on the opportunity of a lifetime - that most people never get - to visit a wondrous and misunderstood country – all because she has “principles.” Where were her principles when she went to China to compete? Or Iran? Suddenly she has principles and gives a black eye to Saudi Arabia.
Looking over
her Facebook page, I noticed another post she had made on November 11
th :
“FIDE has announced World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships to be organized in the end of this year in Saudi Arabia. First Iran, then Saudi Arabia… wondering where the next Women's big World Championships will be organized. Despite of the record prize fund, I am not going to play in Riyadh what means losing two world champion titles. To risk your life, to wear abaya all the time?? Everything has its limits and headscarves in Iran was more than enough.” -
Anna Muzychuk
I had to laugh out loud when I read this one – risking her life to wear abaya? This is just too absurd for words. Let’s face it - there is no perfect place in the world.
Certainly not even in Anna’s own native Ukraine. But let’s be clear about one thing – prior to this, Anna has not been a vocal feminist about the mistreatment of women ANYwhere in the world. So now suddenly she chooses to become a voice to highlight the plight of poor Saudi women. Yet, in her own country, thousands of
Ukrainian women are routinely sold into sex slavery every year to dozens of countries, several of which Anna has had no problem competing in. Ignorance on her part or just hypocritical?
Me "risking my life," wearing my new abaya in Saudi Arabia |
One will always be able to find fault in some way or another with other countries, traditions, and cultures. But at this truly exciting, momentous, and historic time in Saudi history - when Saudi Arabia is changing rapidly, advancing women in this country, fighting internal corruption, and so on – why spit on the very generous hosts who are taking major steps to improve what she is protesting about in the first place?
Anna could have come here to Saudi Arabia with an open mind and seen firsthand for herself, before condemning this country based on her limited knowledge of the propaganda that's out there. She missed a golden opportunity to change her own opinion - and others’ - about a country that always seems to get a bad rap no matter what – a country extremely rich in history and culture and one that I love more and more with every passing year.
In all my life’s travels, Saudis are among the most hospitable and generous people I have ever known. I’m sure Anna would have experienced this same hospitality and generosity. Certainly Anna Muzychuk has every right to make this decision for herself, but it’s a shame she made this ill-informed choice - because her “principles” had nothing to do with honesty or sound judgment and everything to do with very limited perspective, prejudice, and ignorance.
More articles on this subject:
For more photos of the event:
For tournament results: